كورس متخصص في تسجيل المؤسسات الطبية والمنتجات الطبية في الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء بالمملكة العربية السعودية. من الألف إلى الياء بحيث تستطيع تسجيل واستيراد الأجهزة الطبية. سوائ كنت صاحب شركة طبية أو ترغب في العمل في هذا المجال. وسوف تحصل على شهادة حضور واجتياز موثقة من مركز تدريب معتمد. A specialized training course on registering and licensing medical institutes in Saudi FDA. From A to Z, you will be well trained on how to license your institute (MDEL), register your products (MDNR), Medical Device Marketing Authorization (MDMA) license and Import License (MDIL). You will have attendance certificate from a registered training center. For more information training@promo-pharma.com | www.promo-pharma.com لمزيد من المعلومات
باختصار سوف تحصل على دورة عن فن القيادة ، بشهادة من مركز تدريب مصري معتمد وتقدر تحصل على شهادة من UK الدورة أون لاين. الدورة هتساعدك إذا تحب تشتغل مدير بيع أو إذا انت لسه جديد في المجال. الكثير ممن حضروا هذه الدورة نجحوا في الترقية كمدير بيع أو مشرف بيع. Briefly, you will attend “Coaching and Leadership” online course, from a registered training center in Egypt. You can also request an accredited certificate from UK. This course will help you to build your future career in sales or if you are new in this field. A lot of people attend this course and succeeded to be sales managers and supervisors. للتفاصيل عن قيمة الاستثمار ومعلومات عن المحاضر وتفاصيل الدورة For details about the investment fees, lecturer and more details about covered subjects. training@promo-pharma.com | www.promo-pharma.com
Continue reading …1) 22 ساعة Applied Pharmacology .. مش الفارماكولوجي البحت اللي بناخد منه في الكلية .. لأ .. الفارماكولوجي بشكل تطبيقي , بنشوف فيه العلب الحقيقية داخل الصيدلية عاملة إزاي , و إيه أهم المعلومات عنها .. بشكل يخلينا فاهمين , مش حافظين !! .. 2) 18 ساعة OTC Level One .. Advanced Condensed OTC course 3) 12 ساعة OTC Level Two .. OTC AS It should be الدورتين دول اتقدموا على مستوى الجمهورية أكتر من 80 مرة بفضل الله .. و فيهم كم ضخم من أسرار و فنون الـ OTC و الـ Patient Counseling بشكل يضاعف من إيراد أي صيدلية بإذن الله و مع ذلك ، مش بنكتفي بكده .. غير كل اللي فات ، بيوصل لحضرتك مننا كمان : .. 4) أكتر من 500 سؤال و إجابة من أسئلة امتحانات البرومترك الخاصة بالسفر للخارج .. 5) تفريغ كل محاضرات الفارماكولوجى فى أكتر من 250 ورقة قابلة للطباعة .. 6) تلخيص أهم المحاضرات فى صفحة واحدة , بتقنية الـ Mind Mapping .. 7) خمس أعداد من مجلتنا الإلكترونية الشهيرة First Pharmacology Course Online (FPCO) , و اللى تعتبر أعدادها الشيقة مرجع من مراجع الـ OTC فى حد ذاتها .. 8 ) المراجع اللى تم تحضير الدورات منها من كتب شهيرة…
Continue reading …It is a rewarding certification that can create opportunities for a lifelong career. It is internationally recognized certification in Business Administration skills – BAS. IBDL Essential provides learners with an integrated “big picture” approach to business that covers the most important functional areas of business. It explains the nature of business with an emphasis on its applications for people and organizations. Training Materials McGraw-Hill Business Publishing Credential This course is a preparation for the international exam of IBDL Essential credential. Table of Contents Entrepreneurship and Starting a Small Business Management: Functions and Styles Leadership and Motivation Human Resources Management Marketing: Product and Price Marketing: Place and Promotion Understanding Financial Information and Accounting Business in Global Markets Demonstrating Ethical Behavior and Social Responsibility Information Technology in Business You Can Obtain: 50 hours training IBDL Essential Handbook or eBook Mind Maps Questions bank Online Practice Test Fess : 480 $ Phone – whatsApp : +201022211012
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Continue reading …عدنا بحول الله ، مرة أخرى دبلومات التسويق في مجال الدواء. تقدر تحضر الدورة أون لاين أو مع مجموعات. للتنسيق training@promo-pharma.com أو واتس/سوما 00966562202404 “Diploma in Pharmaceutical Marketing” once again. You can attend it online or in groups. email: training@promo-pharma.com , WhatsApp / Soma 00966562202404
Continue reading …دورة عن فن القيادة ، بشهادة من مركز معتمد و تقدر تحصل على شهادة من UK إذا تحب. تقدر تحضر الدورة في السعودية أو أون لاين. الدورة هتساعدك إذا تحب تشتغل مدير بيع أو إذا انت لسه جديد في المجال. الكثير ممن حضروا هذه الدورة نجحوا في النجاح اترقية كمدير بيع. Pharmaceutical marketing course, from a registered training center. You can also request an accredited certificate from UK; You can attend in Saudi or online. This course will help you to enter the career of pharma sales or if you are new in this field. A lot of people attend this course and succeeded to be sales managers. للتفاصيل الاتصال على 00966555024279 أو إيميل email: training@promo-pharma.com
Continue reading …Certified Marketing Manager (CMM) Certificate Objectives: After successfully completing this program, you will be able to: Offers experiential analysis to understand the challenges of CMOs and Marketing Managers. Focuses on marketing management best practices, tools and models to implement an effective marketing and sales management system. Emphasizes planning and executing strategic marketing programs. Provides insights on how to develop marketing strategies, initiatives and programs to build and sustain a competitive market advantage. Provides a practical framework for planning and controlling of marketing communication programs. Who Should Attend? Sales & Marketing Professionals Business Development Team Members Customer Service Professionals Team Leaders & Supervisors Administrators HR & Training Professionals Accounts Personnel Public Relations Professionals Certificate Outline Part 1: Understanding Marketing Management Chapter 1. Defining Marketing for the 21st Century Chapter 2. Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans Part 2: Capturing Marketing Insights Chapter 3. Gathering Information and Scanning the Environment Chapter 4. Conducting Marketing Research and Forecasting on Demand Part 3: Connecting with Customers Chapter 5. Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships Chapter 6. Analyzing Consumer Markets Chapter 7. Analyzing Business Markets Chapter 8. Identifying Market Segments and Targets Part 4: Building Strong Brands Chapter 9. Creating Brand Equity Chapter 10. Crafting the Brand Position…
Continue reading …Certified Sales Manager (CSM) Certificate Objectives: After successfully completing this program, you will be able to: The changing sales environment How to utilize a system for analyzing your sales planning The dimensions of effective sales management Understanding people: the basis for sales motivation and effective communication Organizing and structuring the sales force The attributes of standards of performance Coaching, counseling and performance appraisals The challenges of special personnel situations Creative decision-making and problem solving techniques The implications of sales compensation Who Should Attend? Seasoned sales managers who want to refine sales planning techniques, build leadership skills and become more powerful decision makers, motivators, communicators, coaches and counselors through advanced sales manager training. Sales and Marketing Professionals Sales Trainers Salespeople Brand Managers Public Relations (PR) Professionals Customer Service Professionals Anyone involved in Sales and Marketing Certificate Outline PART I: Introduction to Sales Force Management 1: The Field of Sales Force Management 2: Strategic Sales Force Management 3: Personal Selling Process PART II: Organizing, Staffing, and Training a Sales Force 4: Sales Force Organization 5: Profiling and Recruiting Salespeople 6: Selecting and Hiring Applicants 7: Developing, Delivering, and Reinforcing a Sales Training Program PART III: Directing Sales Force Operations 8: Motivating a…
Continue reading …احصل علي الشهادة الدولية الاكثر طلبا في سوق العمل الخليجي ( السعودية – الامارات – قطر – الكويت – البحرين – عمان ) شهادة الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الاعمال IBDL مستويات الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الأعمال :IBDL • •المستوى الأول: فهم وإكتساب مهارات إدارة الأعمال. • •المستوى الثاني: إدارة وتخطيط الأعمال. • •المستوى الثالث: قيادة الأعمال و بناء الإستراتيجيات . المستوى الثانى: إدارة وتخطيط الأعمال اليوما صبحا لعالم يحتوىا لكثير منا لتحدياتا لتى لم تكن موجودة من قبل فى عالما لاعمال. لم يكن مهماً من قبل من أجل حياتك المهنية أن تتعلم مهارات الإدارة. لم يحدث من قبل أن كان لدى الناس الكثير من الفرص والتحديات مع كثرة المخاطر المحتملة والمكافآت . سوف تتنافس مع الآخرين على الوظائف، والموارد، والترقيات. سوف تتنافس مؤسستك مع الشركات الأخرى للحصول على عقود، وعملاء،. من أجل الإزدهار والبقاء في المنافسة، يجب تنفيذ ذلك بطرق تعطيك ميزة على منافسيك، والتي تجعل الطرف الآخر يرغب فى التعاون معكم ، الشراء منكم، وتكرارالقيام بأعمال تجارية معكم. هل تريد أن يختاروك وليس منافسيك؟. مديري اليوم يفكرون ويعملون بصورة إستراتيجية. العملاء اليوم على قدر كبير من التعليم، على وعى كامل بالخيارات المتاحة أمامهم، ويسعون دائما للأفضل. لهذا السبب، يجب أن يفكر مديري اليوم دائما فى كيفية بناء قوة عاملة قادرة على…
Continue reading …احصل علي الشهادة الاكثر طلبا في سوق العمل الخليجي ( السعودية – الامارات – قطر – الكويت – البحرين – عمان ) شهادة الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الاعمال IBDL مستويات الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الأعمال :IBDL • •المستوى الأول: فهم وإكتساب مهارات إدارة الأعمال. • •المستوى الثاني: إدارة وتخطيط الأعمال. • •المستوى الثالث: قيادة الأعمال و بناء الإستراتيجيات . المستوى الأول: فهم وإكتساب مهارات إدارة الأعمال. المستوى الأول يقدم منهج متكامل وصورة كبيرة عن مهارات إدارة الأعمال والتي تغطي جميع مجالات الوظائف الأساسية فى مؤسسات الأعمال الحديثة حيث تزود الطالب بوضوح ودقة بالمفاهيم الرئيسية والأساسية والنظريات والمهارات التي يحتاج إلى معرفتها لفهم طبيعة الأعمال فى وقتنا هذا. حيث توفر لهم المعرفة الأساسية بالإطار الرئيسي للأعمال دون الغرق في التفاصيل الكثيرة ، هذه المقدمة للأعمال تشمل وصف ومحتوى الممارسات التجارية فى الوقت الحالى مع شرح طبيعة الأعمال و التركيز على تطبيقاتها بالنسبة للأشخاص والمنظمات. اللغة : عربي – انجليزي – فرنسي عدد ساعات الكورس : 50 ساعة حضور فعلي / المحاضرة 5 ساعات أو 30 ساعة حضور فعلي بالاضافة الي 20ساعة اون لاين البداية واماكن الانعقاد في مصر : القاهرة والاسكندرية والمنصورة 1/11/2016 التكلفة : 5200 جنيه مصري شامل الكتب الاصلية لمنهج IBDL و رسوم تسجيل و دخول الامتحان ( 3محاولات ) و رسوم اصدار الشهادة ورسوم…
Continue reading …If you are a newly established organization and you are interested to upgrade the skills level of your sales / marketing team to enhance their productivity , we can support you to improve their skills level and help you achieve your sales objectives. We offer the following courses: •Effective Communication Skills •Professional Selling Skills. •How to Overcome Fears of Selling. •Adaptive Selling. •Selling to Groups. •Group Presentation Skills. •Key Account Management. •Professional Negotiation Skills. However, We are ready to offer your team customized training programs according to your training and development plan or depending on its training needs. Instructor’s Profile: A professional freelancer trainer with past experience of more than 14 years in the fields of marketing, sales, HR and training within multinational and national pharmaceutical and medical companies within the Egyptian market. Along his experience he occupied the positions of National Sales Manager, Sales and Marketing Manager in Egypt and KSA and ended his professional career with a position of Marketing & Training Manager for a group of pharmaceutical companies. In addition to his strong past experience, he holds the following academic degrees: 1) Diploma in Pharmaceutical Marketing. 2) The Bullet Proof Manager from Crestcom (Al Khaleej Training &…
Continue reading …Now on-line ! If you would like to have the skills which will help you in the interview for hiring new product managers. You will learn how to write a marketing plan, how to prepare the medical brochure, the product presentation, the promotional budget … and so many issues. You can attend the session on-line from your home or your office ! Just register by email: training@promo-pharma.com
Continue reading …Gain practical knowledge of Personal selling, Sales strategy, quota & forecasting. Sales force management process ( recruiting & selection, training & coaching, Leadership & motivation ,evaluation & control ). Accreditation : UK accredited certificate Date :Mid December 2013 Location : Nasr city, Cairo Duration: 40 hours / One lecture weekly Fees : Pay 1500 EGP & Save 100 EGP Before 7/12/2013 For more information 01121039957 Bepac.training@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/Bepac2012
Continue reading …Understanding the practice of marketing from both theoretical & applied perspectives . Learn marketing management as practiced by professional marketers Accreditation : UK accredited certificate Date :Mid December 2013 Location : Nasr city, Cairo Duration: 48 hours / One lecture weekly Fees : Pay 1700 EGP & Save 150 EGP Before 7/12/2013 For more information 01121039957 Bepac.training@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/Bepac2012
Continue reading …◄◄◄◄◄ الان لجميع الصيادله المصريين والعرب ►►►►► ◄◄◄المعادلات الامريكيه والكنديه والاستراليه ►►► ◄◄TOEFL►► ◄ (IELTS (General & Academic ► الان طريقك للنجاح في المعادله الامريكيه والاستراليه والكنديه والتويفل والايلتس علي ايدي محاضرين حاصلين علي المعادلات وايضا التويفل والايلتس تعلم معنا بالنسبه للمعادلات خطوات التسجيل في الامتحان خطوات الحصول على الفيزا الاوراق المطلوبه للتسجيل في الامتحان شرح مناهج المعادلات بالكامل طريقة حجز الفنادق والاقامة اختيار الولاية المناسبة للامتحان طريقه المذاكره المناسبه واهم المصادر التي تساعدك لاجتياز الامتحان بالنسبه للتويفل والايلتس نحن نقوم باعداد الطالب لاجتياز امتحانات ال TOEFL & IELTS المطلوب للمعادلات الاجنبيه والهجره والدراسه في الخارج والمنح الدراسيه المختلفه التفاصيل كامله اضغط علي الرابط التالي http://active-egy.com/pages.php?id=2 Active Training Company 34 El Obour towers, Salah salem st. In front of El Fangry Bridge, 9th floor Tel: 02-2 26 28 755 Mob: 010 90 52 1001 – 010000 717 92 E-Mail: info@active-egy.com
Continue reading …Objectives: Leadership is not just a luck ! Online training session with workshop on how to lead people; we will help you to know how to coach people without feeling of rejection. We will answer the following questions: What’s the difference between manager and leader? what is the leadership style? How pharmaceutical companies select people for managerial levels? What are the styles of people to manage? How to manage people whom have long experience and elder than you? How to manage new medical representatives? Target Audience: Supervisors, sales managers, product managers, acting sales managers … Medical Representatives who are looking for managerial levels and hiring. Timing: Lecture : 8 Hours Workshop: 1 Hour Certification: Available Accreditation from the British Council (upon request and extra-fees) Registration: Special offer for groups. email: training@promo-pharma.com website: www.promo-pharma.com
Continue reading …Objectives: Online training session with workshop on how to promote pharmaceutical products; we will help both new graduates to pass the interviews and succeed as new medical representatives (Basic Selling Skills) and the experienced medical representatives, supervisors and sales managers to have a new look with doctors, we will answer the following questions: Basis Selling Skills: What is the life style of the medical representative? How to avoid wasting time? Why Selling Skills, is it an art or a science? What’s the call? What are the steps of the call? What are the common mistakes which doctors have been frustrated from them? How to avoid being bored from the job? What to make a role play? Target Audience: Fresh Graduates, pharmacy students and new medical representatives Timing: Lecture : 8 Hours Workshop: 1 Hour Professional Selling Skills: What are the doctors attitudes? How to handle doctors’ objections? What’s the 3F tactic ? How to ask for a feed back from the pharmacy place? What is the different between conventional/classic call and the objective call? What are the What are the common mistakes of expert medical representatives? e.g. do you still keep showing medical brochure, do you have a friendship with…
Continue reading …Objectives: Online training session with workshop on how to prepare a medical brochure; we will answer the following questions: What are the different kinds of pharmaceutical advertisements? What are the elements of any medical brochure? What is the corporate identity of the product? What’s the meaning of AIDA? What’s the meaning of concept? What’s the creative brief? Where to add the product attributes and benefits? What are the common mistakes in preparing medical brochures? Target Audience: Product Managers, Associate/Assistant Product Managers, Medical Representatives who are looking for hiring to pharmaceutical marketing. Timing: Lecture : 4 Hours Workshop: 1 Hour Certification: Available Accreditation from the British Council Registration: email: training@promo-pharma.com website: www.promo-pharma.com
Continue reading …On-Line One Full-Day Training Session on Pharmaceutical Marketing. A. Level 1 ( for non marketers) e.g. medical representatives, very new product managers, fresh graduates. B. Level 2 ( for pharmaceutical marketers) e.g. product managers who would like to know how to write a marketing plan, budget, branding, have an idea on new eras on pharmaceutical marketing from experts in multinational companies, and to share your experience with other pharma marketers .. The training session would be held online i.e. virsual classrooms. For more information, please contact training@promo-pharma.com
Continue reading …Session 2 Simply what is marketing? Satisfying customers needs profitability (Kotler) What is selling? Selling is the personal or impersonal process of assisting and/or persuading a prospective customer to buy a commodity or a service or to act favorably upon an idea that has commercial significance to the seller “ (The American Marketing Association) What is personal selling? Personal selling is a person-to-person business activity in which a salesperson uncovers and satisfies the needs of a buyer. The objective is to build a relationship that provides long-term benefits to Both parties. Selling provides mutual benefits (Win – Win situation ) Advantages of a sales job: Challenge – Responsibility – Flexibility in work activities – Rewards from making a tough sale – Learning the business from the bottom up – Opportunity for senior management positions Disadvantages of a sales job: Limited supervision – Potential conflict between customer and company demands – Depression from lost sales – Discomfort from asking customers to buy – Negative stereotype What is Human Need? A state of felt Deprivation of some basic satisfaction Which needs to be eliminated. [ Hungry, unprotected, Unsafely, lonely, ……etc] Or: a problem which needs to be solved What are Wants?…
Continue reading …Dear our colleagues in sales career we will begin to publish these articles about personal selling and selling skills to aid you in advancing your career. We hope this material adds value to you. Thanks D.M.Shehab First session Introduction Personal selling occurs where an individual salesperson sells a product, service or solution to a customer. Salespeople match the benefits of their offering to the specific needs of their customers developing long-term relationship. The original and oldest form of direct marketing is the field sales call. Today most industrial companies rely heavily on a professional sales force to locate prospects, develop them into customers, and grow the business. In addition, many companies use a direct sales force like insurance agents, stockbrokers, and pharmaceutical companies Personal selling involves selling through a person-to-person communications process. The emphasis placed on personal selling varies from firm to firm depending on a variety of factors, including the nature of the product or service being marketed, size of the organization, and type of industry • Pharmaceutical companies recruit sales reps (medical reps) to promote their products to potential physicians. • Medical reps are typically missionary reps, they inform physicians about new therapeutic products and educate them how…
Continue reading …The Institute of Clinical Research is delighted to annouce their intended activity during January 2010. ICR is Britich organization with global focus on clinical research development and training. For more details about ICR please visit www.icr-global.org. During 8-11 January 2011, GCP Course and GCP Auditing course is planned to take place in Cairo. To book your seat kindly call Dr Sherif Akl on +20113449964 (Egypt) The course is composed of 2 parts: Part 1: Good Clinical Practice Course summary This course provides an overview of the regulatory systems currently in operation in the EU and an understanding of the rationale for those systems. Starting with the history of medicinal product regulations and the need for ethics, the course explains the regulatory aspects of clinical development and the purpose and impact of the EU regulations on the conduct of clinical research. Practical Applications of GCP are explored including Informed Consent and Safety Reporting. You will receive a complementary copy of the ICH GCP guidelines. Who will benefit? All those involved in Clinical Research. Course outline The History of GCP and the evolution of the pharmaceutical industry The Phases of Drug Development ICH GCP and the impact of EU Directives Implementation in the…
Continue reading …بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم مجلة قهوة الصيادله تقدر حجم المجهود المبذول من أجل اعداد دوره تدريبيه. و ايضا حجم المصاريف من أجل اعدادها و ان تقدم في النهايه بسعر يناسب الجميع. لذلك تقديرا منا لمجهودك نقدم لك خدمة الاعلان عن الدورات التدريبيه للصيادله مجانا لاضافة أعلان عن دوره تدريبيه أو كورس أولا : يجب أن يكون لديك حساب في مجلة قهوة الصيادله لانشاء حساب جديد أضغط هنا لو لديك حساب أضغط هنا للدخول ثانيا: أضغط هنا لكتابة تفاصيل الدوره بعد أضافة اعلانك يستغرق من 24 الى 48 ساعة لتم نشره- نتمنى لك التوفيق دائما
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