حظت شركة أبوتكس الكنديه بتغطيه أعلاميه عالميه غير مسبوقه ابدء نشاطها داخل المملكه , تضم شركة أبوتكس الكندية التي تأسست عام 1974 أكثر من 300 منتج دوائي يمثلوا 4000 شكل صيدلاني. و تستحوذ الشركة على 85 مليون وصفة طبية في كندا ليعبر هذا الرقم عن أعلى وصفات طبية تحصل عليها شركة أدوية في كندا أما عن مبيعاتها العالمية فتتخطى شركة أبوتكس الكندية حاجز البليون دولار سنويا لتحتل بذلك المرتبة الحادي عشر وسط شركات الجينيرك في العالم. و تعتبر الشركه اضافه قويه للاقتصاد السعودي حيث ضخت الشركة 80 مليون دولار في السوق السعودي لافته الى حاجة المملكة الى أدوية فعاله ذات جوده عاليه و باسعار مناسبه. تابعوا معنا على الرابط التالي تفاصيل التغطيه الاعلاميه: Press coverage for Apotex KSA launch
Continue reading …According to a report in Le Figaro citing unnamed sources, Sanofi plans to cut 1000 to 2000 jobs in France, targeting the areas of research, the manufacturing operations of the company’s Pasteur vaccines unit, and certain support operations at Sanofi’s headquarters. A spokesperson for Sanofi declined to comment on the speculation, but confirmed that a meeting with the company’s works council was scheduled for July 5, when employment perspectives in France would be discussed. Sanofi had already cut 4000 jobs in the country between 2009 and 2011, according to Le Figaro. Most recently, in November 2011, the company announced plans to reorganise some of its research operations in the US. Earlier in 2011, the drugmaker announced plans to eliminate up to 700 EU positions, and in December 2010 said 575 jobs would be cut from its French commercial operations.
Continue reading …Pharma IQ | Over the last 15 years, according to Forbes, the pharmaceuticals industry has been undergoing somewhat of a drought when it comes to innovation and the creation of groundbreaking new products. However, when looking at the top 10 companies in the world, it is clear to see that some have still been working tirelessly to provide new products over the period. We take a look at the list of leaders. 1. Novartis Novartis is a Swiss-based company that is best known for its production of Methylphenidate, or Ritalin, the psychostimulant drug which helps to calm those who suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Over the course of the last 15 years, the company has released no fewer than 21 products. These include Glivec, a drug which restricts the functionality of the receptor tyrosine kinase enzyme in cells to combat chronic myelogenous leukaemia (CML) and gastrointestinal stromal tumors among other diseases. Such was the success of the product that it has now been certified by the FDA to treat no fewer than 10 cancers. Novartis hit its highest point in financial terms during May of last year, when stock prices were at a peak of $61.84, a month in which the company was given a…
Continue reading …نقابة صيادلة مصر | ورد للنقابة صورة من الخطاب التي أرسلته شركة نوفارتس للأدوية لوزارة الصحة بخصوص القانون رقم 29 لسنة 1976الخاص بتنظيم عمل الدعاية الطبية والمكاتب العلمية فيشئون الدعاية للأدوية والمستلزمات الطبية للشركة. صرح الدكتور سيف الله أمام وكيل النقابة العامة أن الشركة أقرت في هذا الخطاب بوقف اى تعديات جديدة من خريجي كليات الآداب والحقوق للعمل في مجال الدعاية الطبية إلا أنها لم توقف عمل المندوبين المعينين الحاليين من خريجي الكليات النظرية وهو الأمر الذي ترفضه النقابة وتصرعلى تحويل هؤلاء المعينين من الكليات النظرية إلى أعمال إدارية أخرى بخلاف الدعاية الطبية . وأضاف أن صيغة الخطاب الذي أرسلته شركة نوفارتس إلى وزارة الصحة لا يحمل الاقتناع التام بالقانون المنظم للدعاية الطبية حيث أكدت أن وقفها لاى تعيينات جديدة من باب أجراء تحفظي فقط مما لا يمثل غلقا لهذا الباب بصورة نهائية. وأشار إمام إلى أن مجلس النقابة العامة سيعقد اجتماع اليوم للنظر في مماطلة شركة نوفارتس حتى الآن وعدم التزامها التام تجاه تعيين مندوبي الدعاية بالإضافة إلى القضية الأخرى الخاصة بخفض هامش ربح الصيدلي على بعض أصنافها وتراجعها بعد ضغط من النقابة بصورة مؤقتة حتى نهاية مايو الجاري . وأكد إمام أن النقابة ستتخذ خطوات تصعيديه تتمثل في عقد جمعية عمومية طارئة و طبع بدائل لأدوية نوفارتس والدعوة…
Continue reading …اليوم السابع | أظهرت نتائج أعمال شركة “جلاكسو سميثكلاين” المجمعة خلال الربع الأول من العام الجارى 2012، تحقيق صافى ربح بلغ 18.2 مليون جنيه بتراجع قدره 37.1%، مقارنة بصافى ربح بلغ 29.01 مليون جنيه خلال الربع الأول من 2011. فى حين أظهرت نتائج أعمال الشركة غير المجمعة تحقيق صافى ربح بلغ 19.9 مليون جنيه مقارنة بصافى ربح بلغ 29.8 مليون جنيه.
Continue reading …مصرس | صرح الدكتور سيف الله إمام وكيل النقابة العامة للصيادلة أن النقابة مستمرة في مقاطعة شركة نوفارتس، بسبب فسادها الإداري المتمثل في تعيينها لخريجي الآداب والتجارة في وظائف الدعاية الطبية الأمر الذى يضر بمصلحة المرضى والصيادلة. ووجه وكيل النقابة العامة للصيادلة انتقادا للشركة يسبب لجؤها إلى تخفيض هامش ربح الصيدليات في خمسة أصناف دوائية من 20 : 12 %، مشيراً إلى أن ضغوط النقابة أعادت هامش الربح إلى سابقة حتى نهاية مايو المقبل. وهدد إمام بعقد جمعية عمومية طارئة، لمناقشة سبل مواجهة الشركات التي وصفها بغير الملتزمة بأولويات الصيادلة، تمهيداً لفرض عقوبات جديدة عليها، وأوضح أن النقابة ملتزمة بالمقاطعة إلى نهاية شهر مايو المقبل، وحتى عقد الجمعية العمومية العادية والتي سيقرر الصيادلة بعدها اتخاذ إجراءات تصعيديه ضد سياسات الشركة إذا ما استمرت في توجهاتها. وأوضح وكيل النقابة أن الشركة تأثرت مبيعاتها، نتيجة التزام الصيادلة بقرار مقاطعة الأصناف الأكثر مبيعاً. وكانت النقابة قد رفضت سعى بعض شركات الأدوية، زيادة أسعار بعض الأصناف الدوائية، بحجة نقصها في الأسواق مستغلة احتياج المرضى لهذه الأدوية ووصفتها بالابتزاز.
Continue reading …Johnson & Johnson on Tuesday announced that Alex Gorsky will take over from William Weldon as CEO, effective April 26, the date of the drugmaker’s next board meeting. Weldon, who became CEO in 2002, will remain as chairman for an unspecified transition period, but isn’t expected to continue in that role for very long, according to a person with knowledge of the matter. “Gorsky is inheriting a company with a better pharmaceutical pipeline than it had 5 or 6 years ago,” remarked Morgan, Keegan & Co analyst Jan Wald said. However, Wald noted that he is also “inheriting a consumer division that’s still embroiled in problems… He’s got a lot of work to do and it is going to be very hard to affect anything in the short-term.” In December 2010, Johnson & Johnson promoted Gorsky and colleague Sheri McCoy to the role of vice chairman in an expanded Office of the Chairman role. Under the new roles, McCoy took charge of the consumer and pharmaceutical businesses, while Gorsky gained oversight of a new manufacturing and supply group created to make sure all plants meet quality standards. As part of Gorsky’s expanded role, he also had responsibility for the medical…
Continue reading …Bayer on Friday filed a lawsuit in a US District Court in Delaware seeking to block Watson from selling a generic version of Bayer’s Beyaz oral contraceptive. Watson filed for FDA approval of its version of the drug, which combines the oral contraceptive, Yaz (estrogen/progestin), with a folate supplement, on Friday and said it believes it is the first to submit an application. However, Bayer asserts that the product is protected by an existing patent and has asked a judge to ban the sale of any Watson birth control product based on the patent. Watson spokesman Charlie Mayr said his company plans to challenge the validity of the patent. Beyaz garnered US approval in 2010 and had total US sales of approximately $97 million for the year ending December 31.
Continue reading …In a preliminary proxy filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Eli Lilly said it will freeze salaries for most employees worldwide this year, including those of high-level executives, as sales of its antipsychotic drug Zyprexa (olanzapine) declined after losing patent protection. CEO John Lechleiter requested that he receive no increase to his $1.5 million base salary or incentive targets in 2012 “in light of the business challenges the company faces,” his total compensation being worth about $16.4 million, according to the filing. Company spokesman Mark Taylor said there would be no change in how bonuses are structured. Among other executives, CFO Derica Rice received a 3-percent raise in his base salary last year, to $984,167, but the value of his stock awards, incentive compensation and pension all fell, resulting in an 8.5-percent drop in total compensation, to $5.9 million. Bryce Carmine, who recently retired as president of the bio-medicines division, had total compensation of $6.6 million, down from $7.7 million a year earlier. Total compensation for Jan Lundberg, president of Eli Lilly Research Laboratories, decreased from $9.5 million in 2010 to $4.4 million last year, while Robert Armitage, the company’s general counsel, received total compensation of $3.8 million,…
Continue reading …Pharmaceuticals giant AstraZeneca has said it will axe 7,300 jobs by the end of 2014 as part of a fresh round of cost savings. The company, which has 61,000 staff globally of whom 8,000 are in the UK, axed 12,600 positions between 2007 and 2009 and removed another 9,000 roles by the end of last year. The company, which closed a site at Charnwood, near Loughborough, at the end of last year, said the latest restructuring was needed because of the weak economy and the impact of competition from generic drugs. Its sites in the UK are at Alderley Park in Cheshire, Macclesfield, Cambridge, Luton, Avlon near Bristol, Paddington in London, and Brixham in Devon. The company has not yet disclosed where the jobs will go, but Unite said between 250 and 300 jobs will be lost at the Cheshire site. National officer Linda McCulloch said: “This is a blow to Britain’s research and development base and Unite will be doing everything possible to minimise compulsory redundancies. If the company can afford a 10% hike in its dividends then it can afford to retain these roles. These are cutting-edge jobs. AstraZeneca must do everything possible to retain these highly skilled…
Continue reading …خطاب موجه من النقابة الى الدكتور عاصم العقباوي رئيس الفارما جروب بشان شركة نوفارتس
Continue reading …AstraZeneca and Bristol-Myers Squibb said Thursday that the FDA requested further data in a complete response letter regarding the companies’ filing for the type 2 diabetes therapy dapagliflozin. The drugmakers noted that the agency has asked for “additional clinical data to allow a better assessment of the benefit-risk profile” for the compound, including results from ongoing studies, and also “may require information from new clinical trials.” In October, the regulator extended its review of dapagliflozin by three months to January 28 to allow it time to assess additional data requested from AstraZeneca and Bristol-Myers Squibb. The decision followed an advisory panel’s earlier recommendation against approving the drug due to concerns about a potential risk of breast and bladder cancer. The FDA panelists also cited possible liver and kidney risks associated with the once-daily agent, especially among elderly patients. The companies said that they “remain committed to dapagliflozin and its development” and would work with the FDA “to determine the appropriate next steps.” AstraZeneca and Bristol-Myers Squibb noted they are also “in ongoing discussions with health authorities in Europe and other countries as part of the application procedures.” AstraZeneca spokeswoman Esra Erkal-Paler remarked that “it’s quite likely we will try to…
Continue reading …US regulators declined to approve a new indication for Merck & Co.’s Vytorin (ezetimibe/simvastatin) and Zetia (ezetimibe) to include the prevention of heart attacks and strokes in patients with moderate to severe chronic kidney disease (CKD), the company reported Wednesday. However, the FDA did clear a label update to Vytorin to include results from the SHARP trial, which showed that the product lowered LDL cholesterol in these patients and also reduced major vascular events compared to placebo. In November, a panel of advisors to the agency unanimously voted to recommend approval of Vytorin to prevent heart attack and stroke in patients with CKD who aren’t on dialysis. However, the advisers voted 10-6 that there was not sufficient evidence to support approval of the drug in patients with CKD currently receiving dialysis treatment. Merck explained Wednesday that because the SHARP study examined the combination of Zetia and Zocor (simvastatin) compared with placebo, and was “not designed to assess the independent contributions of each drug to the observed effect,” the FDA rejected approval of the new indication for Vytorin and Zetia. The company added that the regulator also declined to allow the study’s efficacy results to be included in the label for…
Continue reading …A Novartis unit confirmed that it agreed to pay up to $99 million to settle a lawsuit by current and former sales representatives who claimed they were denied overtime pay despite working more than 40 hours per week. Novartis Pharmaceuticals president Andre Wyss remarked that while the company believes it pays employees in accordance with federal and state laws, “it is time to resolve these wage and hour claims.” The settlement, which has been granted preliminary approval by a federal judge, resolves a 2006 lawsuit that included approximately 7700 plaintiffs who worked for the company between 2002 and 2007, and from January 25, 2009 to the present. In July 2010, a US Court of Appeals ruled that the workers qualified for overtime pay under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, a ruling that was subsequently upheld by the US Supreme Court. According to a lawyer representing the plaintiffs, payouts will vary based on length of employment and compensation, as well as on how many plaintiffs choose to take part in the settlement. Wyss noted that “we remain confident that sales representatives should continue to be classified as exempt from overtime because their autonomy and incentive compensation are typical of exempt…
Continue reading …Bristol-Myers Squibb announced Wednesday that in a small mid-stage trial, two of the company’s experimental drugs cleared the hepatitis C virus in 36 percent of patients who failed to respond to existing therapies. Lead researcher Anna Lok noted that the study, which was published in the NEJM, is the first of its kind to demonstrate efficacy without interferon in null-responders. The study randomised 21 patients with hepatitis C genotype 1 who had not responded to previous treatment with interferon and ribavirin to receive Bristol-Myers Squibb’s daclatasvir and asunaprevir, either alone or in combination with interferon and ribavirin. Results showed that five of 11 patients in the dual therapy arm achieved a sustained virologic response (SVR) with undetectable virus at the end of 24 weeks of treatment, a response that was sustained by four of 11 patients 12 weeks post-treatment. However, all 10 patients in the quadruple therapy arm had undetectable virus levels after 24 weeks of therapy and nine of 10 had a SVR at 12 weeks post-treatment. Commenting on the results, Lok noted that “the four-drug arm was very impressive. These patients had not shown a response before and now we get a 90 to 100 percent rate of…
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Continue reading …Pfizer CEO Ian Read said Tuesday at the J.P. Morgan Global Healthcare Conference that he doesn’t plan another “mega-acquisition” and will instead focus on restructuring research operations to produce sustainable growth and forging more partnerships with academic researchers. Commenting on Lipitor, which lost patent protection in the US in late-November, Read said “we’re basically where we expected to be,” with Lipitor representing about 37 percent to 38 percent of the overall US market. However, the CEO noted that it would be difficult for Pfizer to hold more than its current market share. To date, enrollment in the company’s co-pay card programme is higher than expected, but some patients are encountering resistance at pharmacies that want to fill prescriptions with a generic version of the drug, Read said. Moreover, when additional generic versions of the drug enter the market in June, the executive noted that Pfizer will re-evaluate its marketing strategy “depending on how many people come in and what pricing goes to.” The CEO also said that he is still considering whether to divest the company’s animal and consumer health businesses, but hasn’t reached a conclusion. “It is on track and we are happy with the way it is going,”…
Continue reading …Merck & Co.’s global head of licensing and acquisitions Roger Pomerantz said the company may pursue takeovers to reach its goal of becoming “a leader in hepatitis C” treatments. “We will do what it takes to get there,” Pomerantz remarked, adding that the drugmaker “would consider small deals to large deals, whatever is necessary to lead in hepatitis.” Last year, the FDA approved Merck’s Victrelis (boceprevir), making the oral protease inhibitor the first in a new class of drugs approved to treat the disease. The company is also developing MK-5172, which is in mid-stage testing and may work against all strains of the virus. Head of research Peter Kim added that Merck expects the agent to be the “cornerstone” of an all-oral regimen to treat hepatitis C. Other companies are also trying to develop such regimens, prompting a recent number of deals between drugmakers who are active in the hepatitis C field. In November, Gilead Sciences agreed to acquire Pharmasset for approximately $11 billion, gaining access to the latter’s uracil nucleotide analogue PSI-7977. In addition, Bristol-Myers Squibb earlier this month said it will pay around $2.5 billion to buy Inhibitex, which is developing the nucleotide polymerase inhibitor INX-189. Kim noted…
Continue reading …According to people with knowledge of the matter, Nestle and Danone submitted first-round bids for Pfizer’s nutrition business. The drugmaker announced in July that it was evaluating options for the operation, as well as its animal health division. A tax-free spinoff is still an option for the company the people said, but the sources noted in September that Pfizer had delayed sending out sale documents to examine whether that move would be better for investors. Sources previously suggested that the drugmaker may fetch as much as $10.5 billion for the business. “The process of exploring strategic alternatives for Pfizer’s nutrition business is ongoing,” commented spokeswoman Joan Campion, adding that “we’re currently pursuing the activities associated with evaluating all options, including sale, spin-off or other transaction.” She added that the company expects to announce a decision this year. Meanwhile, Abbott Laboratories confirmed earlier this week that it is not participating in the bidding process, despite reports suggesting that it was interested in the division. The drugmaker, which announced its own divestments in October, was still interested in bidding for the Pfizer unit then, according to one person familiar with the matter.
Continue reading …أنضم د.أمير ثابت كمدير عاما ود.محمد الهادي مدير التسويق لشركة أبوتكس في المملكة العربية السعودية, تضم شركة أبوتكس الكندية التي تأسست عام 1974 أكثر من 300 منتج دوائي يمثلوا 4000 شكل صيدلاني. و تستحوذ الشركة على 85 مليون وصفة طبية في كندا ليعبر هذا الرقم عن أعلى وصفات طبية تحصل عليها شركة أدوية في كندا أما عن مبيعاتها العالمية فتتخطى شركة أبوتكس الكندية حاجز البليون دولار سنويا لتحتل بذلك المرتبة الحادي عشر وسط شركات الجينيرك في العالم. تقلد د أمير العديد من المناصب في شركات الأدوية في المملكة منذ عام 1997 نهاية بشركة أبوتكس الكندية كما يتميز د.محمد الهادي بخبرة طويلة في مجال التسويق لمدة 12 عاما لذلك تنتهز مجلة قهوة الصيادلة هذه الفرصة لتهنئة الدكتور أمير ثابت و دكتور محمد الهادي على المسئولية الجديدة متمنين لهم مزيدا من التوفيق و التقدم
Continue reading …The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence said Monday in preliminary guidance that it needs more information to be submitted before being able to recommend NHS funding of Bayer’s Xarelto (rivaroxaban) for the prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). The drug, which Bayer is developing with Johnson & Johnson, was cleared for this use in Europe in December. Carole Longson, NICE’s health technology evaluation centre director, noted that evidence submitted by Bayer on the cost-effectiveness of Xarelto “was not reflective of all the people with atrial fibrillation in the UK who would be eligible for treatment with the drug.” She added that a number of factors, including that in a clinical trial of the oral anticoagulant patients who received warfarin did not achieve as good control of their blood clotting as might be expected, meant that “the relative effectiveness of [Xarelto] compared with warfarin had been overestimated for the UK population.” Longson said that the appraisal committee “is therefore minded not to recommend the drug on the basis of the available evidence pending the receipt of additional information from [Bayer] that will address these issues.” In November last year, NICE backed the use…
Continue reading …المصرى اليوم | اضطرت شركة «نوفارتس» السويسرية لتصنيع الدواء لسحب مجموعة من أدويتها الشهيرة، بعد أن اكتشفت أن عملية التعبئة كانت خاطئة وأدت لخلط مجموعة من الأدوية بآثار بعض أدوية موانع الحمل. وأدت تلك المشلكة لسحب أدوية «Excedrin»، «NoDoz»، «Bufferin»، و«Gas-X» من الأسواق الأمريكية، وتأتي هذه الأخبار بعد أن قررت الشركة إغلاق مصنع لها في الولايات المتحدة يعتقد أنه السبب وراء هذا الخلط، الذي لم يصدر منه أي شكوى من المستخدمين، حسب تصريحات الشركة. وذكرت وكالة الأسوشياتيد بريس أن «نوفارتس» قامت بسحب الأدوية، لتخوفها من تأثير ذلك على صحة مستخدميها ووعدت بحل الأزمة في أسرع وقت. وستسحب «نوفارتس» عقار إكسدرين، الشهير لعلاج الصداع وعقار نودوز للكافيين، اللذين تنتهي مدة صلاحيتهما في 20 ديسمبر 2014 أو ما قبل ذلك. وستقوم الشركة أيضًا بسحب عقار بوفرين، المخصص لعلاج الآلام بشكل عام، وعقار جاز-إكس لعلاج مشاكل المعدة، والذي تنتهي صلاحيته في 20 ديسمبر 2013 أو ما قبل ذلك.
Continue reading …اليوم السابع | حظرت وزارة القوى العاملة والهجرة التعامل مع شركة أحمد محمد عبد الوهاب الناعى وكيل شركة فايزر للأدوية بالمملكة العربية السعودية أمس، الاثنين، احتجاجاً على المعاملة التى تلقاها العمالة المصرية فى هذه الشركة. وحصل “اليوم السابع” على نسخة من قرار الدكتور فتحى فكرى وزير القوى العاملة والهجرة، يؤكد أن الحظر بدأ الأحد 25 ديسمبر لحسن إنهاء مشكلات العمالة المصرية. كانت القنصلية المصرية العامة بالرياض أصدرت بيانًا تدين فيه الشركة، قالت فيه إنها تلقت بانزعاج شديد خبر قيام الشركة ووكيلها بالمملكة بالإبلاغ عن تغيب الصيدلى إسلام يوسف نصر الله عن العمل، فى مخالفة صريحة من جانب الشركة المذكورة لنظم العمل فى المملكة، واتفاق التسوية المبرم بين الجانبين برعاية القنصلية المصرية العامة بالرياض فى29 يونيو الماضى، والذى بمقتضاه تم منح الصيدلى إسلام يوسف الحق فى نقل الكفالة خلال فترة 9 أشهر من تاريخ إبرام الاتفاق بين الجانبين، مع احتفاظه بحقه فى مواصلة دعواه العمالية المنظورة أمام القضاء السعودى للحصول على مستحقاته، والقنصلية المصرية العامة بالرياض، وبعد أن تأكد لها صحة هذا الخبر، فإنها تعبر عن استنكارها الشديد لسياسة نقض العهود التى اتبعتها الشركة المذكورة ووكيلها فى المملكة العربية السعودية، وتعتبره تصرفًا غير مسئول، مؤكدةً على عزمها اتخاذ كافة الإجراءات التى تكفل حماية وصون حقوق وكرامة مواطنيها، واستعادة الصيدلى إسلام يوسف…
Continue reading …Clinical Context In the November 3, 1979, issue of the BMJ, Prescott and colleagues reported the use of intravenous N-acetylcystine (NAC) for the treatment of early, nonstaggered acetaminophen (paracetamol) overdose. However, the clinical course and outcomes for acetaminophen overdose resulting from repeated supratherapeutic doses (staggered overdoses) and delayed presentation beyond 15 hours are not clear. This retrospective review of prospectively collected data by Simpson and colleagues assesses the incidence, clinical course, and outcome of staggered and delayed acetaminophen overdoses vs a single-time overdose. Study Synopsis and Perspective Repeated doses of slightly too much acetaminophen (known as paracetamol in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in Europe) can be fatal, according to the results of a large, single-center cohort study published online November 22 in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. “On admission, these staggered overdose patients were more likely to have liver and brain problems, require kidney dialysis or help with breathing and were at a greater risk of dying than people who had taken single overdoses,” senior author Kenneth J. Simpson, MBChB (Hons), MD, FRCP (Edin), from the University of Edinburgh and Scottish Liver Transplant Unit in the United Kingdom, said in a news release. “They haven’t taken the sort…
Continue reading …AstraZeneca announced Wednesday that it will cut approximately 1150 sales leadership and representative jobs in the US as part of an ongoing restructuring programme. “These are difficult decisions that impact valued employees. The changes we are making, however, will help us deliver better results for our business,” commented Rich Fante, President of AstraZeneca US. The cuts, which AstraZeneca noted were not included in previously announced efficiencies to the US business, account for roughly 24 percent of the drugmaker’s sales force in the country. AstraZeneca noted that the impact of the changes will vary geographically and by selling teams, but employees will have the “option to self-identify to potentially leave the company.” All decisions will be finalised by early February 2012. AstraZeneca indicated that the lay-offs will result in a “discreet restructuring cost” estimated at between $50 million to $100 million, which will be recorded in the fourth quarter of this year.
Continue reading …DG Alert: The commissioner for the US Food and Drug Administration announced today she will revoke the breast cancer indication for Avastin (bevacizumab), citing “it is clear that women who take Avastin for metastatic breast cancer risk potentially life-threatening side effects” without proof of a benefit that would justify those risks.
Continue reading …Basle, October 14, 2011, 12.30 hrs — Acino and Cephalon Inc. have today entered into an agreement under which Acino will acquire Cephalon’s combined Middle East and African business for a total consideration of approximately EUR 80 million. Under the terms of the agreement, Acino will pay EUR 60 million in cash and EUR 20 million through the issuance of shares from authorized capital (calculated at the average share price on the day prior to the closing of the transaction). Acino expects the acquisition to be immediately accretive. The business to be acquired, which includes Cephalon and Mepha brands, is expected to generate sales of close to EUR 100 million in 2011. The well established product portfolio comprises leading brands including the analgesic Olfen (diclofenac), the antispasmotic Spasfon (phloroglucinol/trimethylphloroglucinol), the gastrointestinal drug Gasec (omeprazole) and the antibiotic Mesporin (ceftriaxone). Through this transaction, Acino makes a quantum leap towards establishing its own market presence in emerging markets. Peter Burema, Acino’s CEO, stated; “This is a game-changing acquisition for our company and underpins our commitment to building Acino’s own market presence in up-and-coming economies. The acquired products ideally complement our own portfolio. The Mepha legacy, built on its Swiss heritage, will live…
Continue reading …Clinical Context Melanoma is the leading cause of mortality from dermatologic conditions. In the United States in 2010, there were approximately 68,130 new diagnoses of melanoma and approximately 8700 melanoma-related deaths, according to estimates from the National Cancer Institute. On August 17, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved vemurafenib (Zelboraf, Plexxikon/Roche) for first-line treatment of metastatic and unresectable melanomas with V600E mutations in the BRAF gene. This type of BRAF mutation occurs in roughly half of melanomas. The mechanism of action of vemurafenib is to inhibit BRAF, thereby blocking the activity of the V600E-mutated BRAF protein. Vemurafenib is the second new drug approved this year for treatment of melanoma, the first being the immunotherapeutic agent ipilimumab (Yervoy, Bristol-Myers Squibb), which was approved in March. Along with vemurafenib, the FDA approved a companion diagnostic test, the cobas 4800 BRAF V600 Mutation Test, to detect the BRAF V600E mutation. Study Synopsis and Perspective The FDA approved the oral targeted therapy vemurafenib for the first-line treatment of both metastatic and unresectable melanomas. The drug is specifically indicated for patients with melanoma whose tumors have V600E mutations in the BRAF gene. An estimated 50% of patients with melanoma have this type of…
Continue reading …أعلنت المحكمه في أمريكا أن شركه فايزر كسبت االقضيه المرفوعه على شركة تيفا الصهيونيه بخصوص انتاج الأخيره بدائل للفياجرا , و قالت المحكمه ان ما فعلته تيفا هو انتهاك صريح لحقوق الملكيه الفكريه. الخبر كاملا: Pfizer announced Monday that a US district court ruled that Teva cannot market a generic version of Viagra (sildenafil) until a patent on the erectile dysfunction drug expires in October 2019. The “court decision acknowledges Teva’s clear violation of our patent rights,” remarked Amy Schulman, executive vice president and general counsel for Pfizer. In the ruling, judge Rebecca Beach Smith said “Teva has not shown by clear and convincing evidence that the patent is invalid,” adding that “there is utterly no evidence” to support the Israeli drugmaker’s claim that Pfizer intentionally withheld documents from the US Patent and Trademark Office. Teva had argued in the June trial that the patent was invalid and unenforceable. Pfizer noted that the decision is subject to appeal, and litigation on the same patent against other companies remains pending. Bloomberg Industries analyst Asthika Goonewardene said the ruling was a “surprise,” as “the patent was a method-of-use patent, and usually these don’t hold up that well in court for small molecular…
Continue reading …Pfizer and Astellas announced change to their Japanese co-promotion deal for the hypertension drug Caduet (amlodipine/atorvastatin), giving the latter sole distribution rights in the country beginning in October. Astellas will now book sales currently recorded by Pfizer, the holder of marketing rights in Japan. Astellas noted that the affect of the amended deal on its financial forecast for the current year “will be immaterial.” In January, Pfizer settled a US patent dispute, allowing Mylan to begin marketing a generic version of Caduet starting November 30 or earlier under certain circumstances.
Continue reading …Bayer announced that the Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office revoked the company’s formulation patent for its Yasmin (drospirenone/ethinylestradiol) family of oral contraceptives. The company indicated it will decide “on possible next steps…after studying the reasons of the decision.” The patent office’s ruling follows an appeal from Novartis’ Hexal unit of a 2006 decision that had confirmed the patent. A Bayer spokeswoman said the ruling takes effect immediately, but she declined to comment on how soon generic versions of the Yasmin family of products, which had 1.1 billion euros in global sales last year, would reach the market.
Continue reading …Abbott announced Tuesday that the FDA approved an infant-specific version of Creon (pancrelipase) for the treatment of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency due to cystic fibrosis. “This approval means that Creon will now be available in four dosing options…providing improved dosing titration options and flexibility into adulthood,” said Eugene Sun, head of global pharmaceutical development. The new lipase capsule will allow infants to receive a more precise dose of the medication, whereas previously a smaller dose of the pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy was obtained by measuring out a portion from a larger-dose capsule.
Continue reading …Pfizer Inc. is conducting the first-ever randomized clinical trial under an investigational new drug (IND) application that manages study participation entirely using electronic tools and allows patients to participate in the clinical trial regardless of their proximity to clinical sites. The pilot project, initiated following review from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), uses mobile phone and web-based technology to collect necessary data for the trial without clinic visits. The Research on Electronic Monitoring of OAB Treatment Experience – REMOTE – is a U.S.-based Participatory Patient-Centered (PPC) clinical trial designed to assess the safety and efficacy of Detrol LA (tolterodine tartrate), a treatment for overactive bladder (OAB). Pfizer and its research partners hope to determine whether the results of the pilot REMOTE “virtual trial” can replicate the results of a previously completed Phase IV Detrol LA trial, and in this way begin to validate virtual, patient-centered approaches to clinical research. “With the REMOTE virtual trial pilot, for the first time we can make it possible for patients to participate in clinical trials without having to visit physical sites,” said Pfizer Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer Freda Lewis-Hall, M.D., who announced the new trial today during remarks at…
Continue reading …تصرف يجعلك تزيد من احترامك للشركه , من النهارده مش حتسمع ان استرازينيكا سفرت دكتور لمؤتمر علمي أو لغيره , قرر الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة استرازينيكا ديفيد برينان في أجتماع عالمي للشركه في اسطنبول ايقاف جميع المصاريف المتعلقه بتغطية تكاليف سفر الأطباء بالخارج من أجل حضور المؤتمرات العلميه و اكتفى بالابقاء على المصاريف التي تدفع للفرص المحليه التعليميه. In an industry first, drugmaker AstraZeneca (AZN.L) is scrapping payments for doctors to attend international medical congresses. The move follows increased scrutiny of the $850 billion-a-year industry’s potentially undue influence on prescribers and could put pressure on rivals to follow suit. AstraZeneca chief executive David Brennan announced the change of policy in low-key fashion at an industry conference in Istanbul earlier this month. “We have decided that we will no longer pay for doctors to attend international scientific and medical congresses but will instead focus our educational efforts on local educational opportunities for healthcare professionals,” he said. As healthcare costs rise worldwide, concern has grown about financial ties between doctors and drugmakers. That has already led to bans on lavish entertainment and the end to a range of free gifts from pens to mugs to computer accessories. AstraZeneca’s decision to stop paying for…
Continue reading …Takeda announced on Thursday a definitive agreement to acquire Nycomed for 9.6 billion euros ($13.7 billion). Takeda CEO Yasuchika Hasegawa said the deal, which excludes Nycomed’s US dermatology business, will give the company “an immediate strong presence in the high-growth emerging markets while doubling Takeda’s European sales.” The transaction is expected to close by the end of September. Takeda will gain access to Nycomed’s products, including the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease therapy Daxas (roflumilast), which the Japanese company said “is expected to be a major source of revenue growth.” The product is marketed with Merck & Co. in certain European countries, while it is sold in the US as Daliresp, where revenue is shared with Forest. Last year, Nycomed recorded sales of 3.2 billion euros ($4.5 billion), with 39 percent of revenue coming from emerging markets. Takeda noted that the acquisition of Nycomed will increase its annual revenue and per-share earnings by more than 30 percent. Commenting on the deal, Barclays analyst Atsushi Seki said that “Takeda is buying time with this acquisition, it was slow to enter emerging markets.” However, the analyst noted that “it’s an expensive purchase and may not be enough to make up for revenue that…
Continue reading …ذكر موقع سيكنج الفا عن نية شركة تيفا شراء شركة سيفالون بقيمة 6.8 بليون دولار , و كان هذا العرض أفضل بـ 1.1 بليون دولار عن شركة فاليانت التي قدمته شركة فالينت قبل شهر.(المصدر) و تضمن العرض دفع مبلغ 81.9 دولار كاش عن كل سهم ما يمثل 39% من قيمة أسهم سيفالون. و من المعلوم أن شركة سيفالون كانت قد استحوذت على شركة ميفا السويسريه في أواخر 2010 حيث كان لها تواجد قوي في السوق السويسري , شرق أوروبا , أفريقيا و شمال أمريكا. و كان موقع شركة تيفا قد ذكر في وقت لاحق ان عملية البيع قد تمت الموافقه عليها (المصدر) و لكن لم يذكر الشئ نفسه حتى الأن على موقع سيفالون.
Continue reading …أكد المتحدث الرسمي لشركة نوفارتس أن عددا من المديرين الكبار تم رفدهم بسبب سوء سلوكهم و قال الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة جو خيمينيز أن طرد الموظفين جاء بعد انه زار العديد من الأسواق المحلية ، حيث أن بعض كبار الموظفين فشلت في الارتقاء إلى رمز الشركة الداخلية للسلوك. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك ، أشار رئيس التنفيذي أن مسئول الكومبليانس بيتر سيقود الجهود لمنع ذلك يتضمن التدريب للمديرين لمساعدتهم على تحديد الدخل والتدخل في حالات قبل أن تصبح انتهاكات القانون;. وقال جيمينيز ان نوفارتس لن تتسامح مع سوء السلوك ، وأحيانا تضطر إلى إنهاء الذين ينتهكون قواعد معروفة لدينا;. وأضاف أن شركة نوفارتيس ;مدونة لقواعد السلوك في مكان بحيث يتم معاملة الجميع باحترام ونحن القيام بالأعمال التجارية بطريقة عادلة وشفافة;. وفي العام الماضي ، كجزء من اتفاق $ 152،5 مليون دولار لتسوية دعوى قضائية فئة التمييز بين الجنسين العمل ، وافقت شركة نوفارتيس لانفاق ما يقرب من 22.5 مليون دولار على إدخال تحسينات على السياسات الداخلية وبرامج لتعزيز المساواة في مكان العمل. وجاءت التسوية على جائزة من قبل هيئة محلفين من 250 مليون دولار في تعويضات جزائية عن المدعين في القضية. “A Novartis spokesman confirmedthat the company dismissed a number of senior executives for misconduct. The person declined to detail the number of…
Continue reading …: في مبادره جيده أتفق ممثلي شركات الأدويه في مصر و نذكر هنا بعضهم السيد عاصم العقباوي – أسترازينيكا السيد مارك أنتون – سانوفي السيد عمرو ممدوح – جلاكسو السيد جورج زاركاليس – نوفارتس السيد معتصم شرف – روش السيد أشرف الخولي – باير السيد ابراهيم عقل – أبوت السيد محمد كمال – سولفاي السيد عماد جرجس – ميرك السيد راشد شريف – ليلي السيد رمزي مراد – ميرك شارب السيد أيمن أنسي – بريستول السيد مجدي شلبي – ليو السيد عزه الخشن – ليو و قاموا بمناقشة التالي: – سوق الأدويه يحتاج الى دعمنا جميعا لتحسين سمعته و صورته وسط الصناعات الأخرى, لذلك فنحن نحتاج الى ان نجتمع بشكل متكرر لمناقشة أهدافنا المشتركه – الرواتب الأساسيه , الحوافز , السياره و مصاريفها الخ .. تختلف عما هو متوقع , لذلك نحن نحتاج للوصول الى معادله (الثابت +المتغير) بالتأكيد بعض الشركات ستضع اساسي كبير مع حوافز قليله و ألأخر يمكن أن يتبع العكس أو يستخدم نسب مختلفه و لكننا أشرنا في اجتماعنا أن الثابت 60% و المتغير 40% – و أيضا الحسابات ستختلف من شركه الى أخرى طبقا لحسابات الأرباح و الخسائر التي تختلف من شركه الى أخرى – وايضا أشرنا في اجتماعنا اننا نواجه صعوبه في السوق المصري بسبب…
Continue reading …قررت شركة جلاكسو سميث كلاين كونسيومر هيلث كير، ضخ استثمارات جديدة تقدر ب500 مليون جنيه لتوسيع أعمالها في مصر من خلال إنشاء مشروعات جديدة في مجال الرعاية الصحية على مدار السنوات الخمس القادمة. وقال أمباتي فينو، نائب رئيس شركة جلاكسو سميث كلاين كونسيومر هيلث كير بالشرق الأوسط ان الاستثمارات الجديدة سيتم ضخها في مصر تدريجيا علي مدار السنوات الخمس المقبلة علي ان يتم توجيهها الي اضافة خطوط انتاج جديدة بالمصانع الحالية للشركة في مصر واخري من خلال الشراكة مع شركة (الاسكندرية للادوية ) مشيرا ان خطوط الانتاج التي سيتم اضافتها تهدف الي صناعة منتجعات رعاية صحية جديدة تحت مظلة “جلاكسو” موضحا ان شركته تستهدف تقديم من 10 الي 15 منتجا جديدا خلال 5 سنوات المقبلة . ومن جانبه قال الدكتور جورج لاوندي، المدير الإقليمي لشركة جلاكسو سميث كلاين كونسيومر هيلث كير إلى أنه بالرغم من الظروف الصعبة التي تمر بها مصر حالياً وبخاصة على الصعيد الاقتصادي، إلا أننا وجدنا أنه من الضروري أن نلتزم باستكمال مسيرتنا في دعم النمو الاقتصادي في مصر، لأننا على يقين أن مصر تمضي نحو غد مشرق سواء من الناحية الاقتصادية، السياسة والاجتماعية. وأضاف أن خطة الاستثمار الجديدة للشركة ستتضمن تدريب الأيدي العاملة ونقل الخبرات الفنية والتكنولوجية، مما سيتيح توفير عدد كبير من فرص العمل. كما…
Continue reading …أعتمدت منظمة الغذاء و الدواء يوم الأربعاء عقار شركة أسترازينيكا “فانديتانيب” لعلاج سرطان الدرقيه للبالغين و يعتبر هذا هو الدواء الأول الذي يتم الموافقه عليه لعلاج هذا المرض. The FDA on Wednesday approved AstraZeneca’s vandetanib for the treatment of adult patients with unresectable locally advanced or metastatic medullary thyroid cancer (MTC). The agency noted that the oral drug is the first product approved for this type of cancer in the US. “Vandetanib’s approval underscores FDA’s commitment to approving treatments for patients with rare and difficult to treat diseases,” commented Richard Pazdur, director of the Office of Oncology Drug Products in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. The decision, which follows an announcement in January that US regulators would extend their review of the drug, was based on data from the ZETA study, which randomised 331 patients with late-stage MTC to receive vandetanib or placebo. Data showed that median progression-free survival was at least 22.6 months in the vandetanib arm, compared to 16.4 months in the placebo arm. Vandetanib is being approved with a risk evaluation and mitigation strategy warning that the drug can affect the electrical activity of the heart, which in some cases can cause irregular heart…
Continue reading …في خطوه تستحق الشركه الاحترام عليها , رفعت شركة جلاكسو مصر الراتب الأساسي للمندوب لأكثر من خمسة الأف جنيه لتكون بذلك الشركه السباقه في مصر في خطوة رفع الأجور للمندوب. و قد عمت الفرحه الشركه بعد سماع القرار واعدين المندوبين تنفيذه قريبا , و من المتوقع زيادة الطاقة الانتاجيه للمندوب في جلاكسو و تفوقه على الشركات الأخرى المنافسه حيث أن مثل هذا القرار سيجعل المندوب متمسكا أكثر بشركته و متحمسا للبقاء فيها. وبهذا الصدد تود مجلة قهوة الصيادله – أكبر تجمع للصيادله في العالم – شكر شركة جلاكسو مصر على مثل هذه الخطوه متمنين من بقية الشركات اعادة النظر في مرتبات المندوبين حيث أن المندوب هو العنصر الأقوى و المؤثر في اي شركه.
Continue reading …قامت الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء بتوجيه تحذير للمختصين الصحيين والمرضى بخصوص حدوث أعراض جانبية خطيرة على الكبد لدى المرضى الذين يستخدمون علاج كيتوكونازول (Ketoconazole) على هيئة أقراص والمسوق بالمملكة العربية السعودية بالاسم التجاري نيزورال (Nizoral®). يستخدم مستحضر نيزورال عن طريق الفم لعلاج العديد من الالتهابات الفطرية في حال عدم قدرة المستحضرات الأخرى على علاجها أو عدم قدرة المرضى على تحمل تلك المستحضرات. تم رصد عدد من حالات الوفيات وكذلك حالات تطلبت زراعة كبد بالتزامن مع استخدام مستحضر نيزورال. الجدير بالذكر أنه في بعض الحالات المرصودة لم يكن لدى المرضى أي عوامل خطورة أخرى قد تساهم في حدوث هذه الأعراض. تحدث هذه الأعراض لدى المرضى بمعدل حالة واحد لكل عشرة آلاف مريض يستخدمون المستحضر (1/10000) وقد تكون هذه الإحصائية أقل من ماهو عليه الحال نظراً لمحدودية عدد تقارير الأعراض الجانبية التي يتم الإبلاغ عنها من قبل المختصين الصحيين ويتراوح المدى الزمني لحدوث الأعراض الجانبية على الكبد مابين أسبوع إلى شهر منذ بدء استخدام المستحضر. نصائح للمختصين الصحيين: 1. نظراً لفرصة حدوث أعراض جانبية خطيرة على الكبد يجب مقارنة المنافع المرجوة بالمخاطر المتعلقة باستخدام مستحضر نيزورال مع الأخذ بعين الاعتبار توفر مستحضرات أخرى ذات فاعلية لعلاج الفطريات. 2. فرصة حدوث أعراض جانبية خطيرة على الكبد تزداد عند استخدام أقراص نيزورال لمدة طويلة….
Continue reading …وافقت إدارة الغذاء والدواء الأمريكية على المنتج الدوائي الحقني Makena (hydroxyprogesterone caproate) لخفض خطر الولادة المبكرة قبل 37 أسبوعاً من الحمل، وذلك لدى النساء الحوامل اللواتي سبق وتعرضن لولادة مبكرة واحدة على الأقل. ولم يعتمد هذا الدواء لدى النساء الحوامل بحمل متعدد (مثل التوائم) أو غيرها من عوامل خطورة الولادة المبكرة. قد وافقت الـFDA على دواء Makena تبعاً لتنظيمات الموافقة المسرّعة للهيئة والتي تسمح للأدوية الواعدة بأن يوافق عليها اعتماداً على فائدة نهائية مختلفة (هنا هي تقليل خطر الإنجاب قبل 37 أسبوع من الحمل) والتي من المرجح بشكل منطقي توقع فائدة سريرية لها. وتبعاً لهذه القوانين، يتوجّب على المصنّع إجراء دراسات إضافية بعد الموافقة على المنتج للبرهنة على أن جرعة الدواء تملك فائدة سريرية. فتوجد حالياً تجربة عالمية تجري حالياً لمعرفة إمكانية وجود تحسّن في نتائج المعالجة لدى الأطفال من أمهات عولجوا بالدواء Makena. وهذه النتائج المدروسة تتضمن انخفاض عدد الأطفال الذين لم ينجوا أو الذين يعانون من مشاكل صحية خطرة بعد الولادة مباشرة. يفترض على مسؤول الرعاية الصحية أن يقوم بإعطاء Makena مرة أسبوعياً حقناً في الورك. يجب أن يبدأ بالعلاج عند الأسبوع 16 من الحمل وألا يتأخر إلا ما بعد 21 أسبوعاً من الحمل. قامت الـFDA بمراجعة البيانات المتعلقة بالمأمونية والفاعلية لـMakena في تجربة سريرية معشاة متعددة المراكز…
Continue reading …أعلنت شركة أبوت اليوم نيتها لفصل 1900 موظف أغلبهم في أمريكا و ذلك في خطوه لاعادة تكوين الشركة . المتحدثه باسم الشركه ميليسا بورتز أكدت الخبر و قالت ان العدد يمثل 2 في المائه من قوة الشركه في العالم. Abbott reported Wednesday that it will eliminate 1900 positions, mostly in the US, as part of a restructuring of its US pharmaceutical business. Spokeswoman Melissa Brotz confirmed that the cuts, which represent 2 percent of its global workforce, are in addition to the 3000 job losses announced last September following Abbott’s $6.2-billion acquisition of Solvay’s drug unit. The company indicated that the latest cuts were being made “in response to changes in the healthcare industry, including US Healthcare Reform and the challenging regulatory environment,” and in an effort to “streamline commercial and manufacturing operations, improve efficiencies and reduce costs.” Abbott said the staff reductions would lead to charges of approximately $295 million in the coming years to transfer product manufacturing to new locations, with $165 million projected to be recorded this year. Abbott announced the news alongside its fourth-quarter results, which saw the company’s profit for the period fall 6.4 percent to $1.4 billion.
Continue reading …FDA advisors say ‘no’ to Lilly’s Amyvid The progress of Eli Lilly’s Amyvid has suffered a setback in the US after regulatory advisers voted not to recommend the Alzheimer’s disease imaging agent for marketing approval. Amyvid (florbetapir) is a molecular imaging tool under investigation for the detection of beta-amyloid plaque – the presence of which is associated with Alzheimer’s disease – which Lilly acquired through its purchase of Avid Radiopharmaceuticals in December last year. But while the US Food and Drug Administration’s Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee voted (13-3) not to recommend approval of Amyvid (florbetapir) at this time, it did vote unanimously that it would put forward the agent for marketing clearance if Lilly develop a training program to ensure accuracy and consistency in the way the brain scans are interpreted. And on the plus side, the Committee agreed that Amyvid’s efficacy was established and that a negative scan would be clinically useful in indicating that Alzheimer’s pathology is unlikely to be the cause of a patient’s cognitive decline. In addition, no significant safety concerns raised. Despite the current rejection, Daniel Skovronsky, chief executive of Avid Radiopharmaceuticals, said he is “encouraged” that the Committee “recommended a…
Continue reading …قال الدكتور وائل الجندى استاذ أمراض النساء والتوليد بجامعة رينيه ديكارت بباريس أنه تم التوصل الى تطعيم جديد للوقاية من الأورام السرطانية بعنق الرحم نسبة نجاحه 100% صدقت عليه هيئة الأغذية والأدوية بأمريكا. وأوضح الجندى فى لقاء مع برنامج صباح الخير يا مصر بالتليفزيون المصرى الاربعاء ان الرحم به تجويف وينقسم لأجزاء علوى وسفلى وهو عنق الرحم وهى أكثر منطقة تصاب بالأورام السرطانية أو الحميدة “الليفية”التى تنشأ من الأنسجة العضلية بجدار الرحم وتختلف فى حجمها وعددها وهى غير مقلقة اذا لم يكن لها أى مضاعفات أو أعراض. وأضاف ان أورام عنق الرحم السرطانية تكون نتيجة وجود فيرس له 100 نوع منها نوعان فقط هم رقم 16 و18 يسببان 70% من الأورام السرطانية بعنق الرحم تنتقل عن طريق الإتصال الجنسى مشيراً الى ان الفيرس لا يسبب أعراض أو ألم وعند الزواج تكون احتمالية الإصابة به كبيرة. وقال أن التطعيم نوعان الأول ويطلق عليه “جردازيل”ضد النوع ال 16 و18 و 6 و11 والثانى يسمى “سيرفافيكس”ضد 16 و 18 فقط مشيراً الى أن التطعيم الأول حصل على موافقة هيئة الأغذية والأدوية بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية عام 2006 وسعره 150 دولار . ولفت الى ان وجود الفيرس فى عنق الرحم يسبب تغيرات يمكن أن تستمر سنوات طويلة تصل الى 20 سنة أو أكثر لإكتشافها مشيراً…
Continue reading …Eli Lilly and Boehringer Ingelheim announced Tuesday an agreement to jointly develop and market four experimental diabetes compounds that are in mid- and late-stage development, as well as an option to include a fifth compound. Eli Lilly CEO John Lechleiter noted that the deal “will comprise one of the most robust diabetes pipelines in the pharmaceutical industry,” adding that for the drugmaker it will offer “the prospect of near-term revenue opportunities as we address the upcoming loss of patent exclusivity for several of our products.” The agreement covers Boehringer Ingelheim’s oral DPP-4 inhibitor linagliptin, which is being developed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, and is currently under regulatory review in the US, Europe and Japan, as well as the company’s late-stage SGLT-2 inhibitor BI10773. Under the agreed terms, Eli Lilly will make a one-time payment of 300 million euros ($389 million) to Boehringer Ingelheim, which will also be eligible to receive up to 625 million euros ($811 million) in milestones payments for its two drugs. The alliance also includes Eli Lilly’s basal insulin analogues, LY2605541 and LY2963016, which are expected to enter Phase III testing this year. Eli Lilly will be eligible to receive up to $650 million…
Continue reading …Sanofi-aventis confirmed that discussions with Genzyme about a takeover “are continuing” and that advisors “have been engaged in discussions with respect to a potential contingent value right (CVR) for Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) with milestone payments based upon approval and certain sales thresholds.” The French company added that “there remain significant differences on the terms and conditions of the potential CVR and the value of our offer, and there is no guarantee that the parties will come to an agreement.” The biotechnology company has predicted that alemtuzumab, which is currently approved for the treatment of leukaemia and sold as Campath, could garner sales of $3.5 billion in MS by 2017, but sanofi-aventis has estimated around $700 million annually in additional sales in the MS indication. People familiar with the matter had previously indicated that the French drugmaker may raise its bid for Genzyme in order to initiate the due diligence process once the companies reach an agreement on the value of the CVR. Sources indicated that the CVR may be worth between $5 and $6 per share. Earlier, The Wall Street Journal reported that the drugmakers were in discussions towards an agreement that would include a CVR that would potentially value Genzyme…
Continue reading …رفعت شركة سولفاي فارما سيوبتكلز ماركتينج السويسرية، دعوى قضائية ضد شركة كيمفارم للصناعات الدوائية “شركة استثمارية”؛ لمطالبتها بتعويض قدره 5 ملايين جنيه عن الأضرار التي لحقت بها نتيجة قيام الشركة الاستثمارية بالتقدم إلى إدارة التسجيل بوزارة الصحة لتسجيل المادة الفعالة “ابروسارتان”، وطالبتها بسحب هذا الطلب الخاص بتسجيل المادة وعدم التقدم بطلب أخر، كما طالبتها أيضًا بوقف استخدام واستعمال تصنيع مادة ” تيفيتين ” التي حصلت عنها على براءة اختراع، وأصرت على ضرورة توقيع غرامه تهديديه علي الشركة عن كل يوم تستخدم فيه هذه المادة الفعالة حتى انتهاء مدة الحماية القانونية الممنوحة . وأوضحت أن كيمفارم تستخدم علامة تجارية مملوكة لها، وأن ذلك من شأنه أن يُحدث لبسًا واختلاطًا لدي جمهور المتعاملين معها، مما يؤثر على حجم تعاملاتها خصوصًا وأنها شركة عالمية تعمل في مجال تصنيع وتطوير وبيع المستحضرات الصيدلانية من بينها هذه المادة الفعالة المذكورة ” إبروساركتان ” حيث تباع تحت الاسم التجاري ” تيفيتين ” وقامت بتسجيلها لدي وزارة الصحة برقم 24845 / 2006 لكنها فوجئت بالشركة المنافسة قد تقدمت بطلب لدي الإدارة العامة لتسجيل الدواء بوزارة الصحة تحت اسم ” تيفارتين ” بالرغم من علمها بحقوق الملكية الفكرية وأنها مملوكة للشركة السويسرية واختتمت الشركة قائلة : أن ما أقدمت الشركة الاستثمارية عليه يُعد منافسة غير مشروعة طبقاً لنص…
Continue reading …Novartis received approval from the European Commission for Tasigna® (nilotinib) as a treatment for adult patients with newly diagnosed Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukemia (Ph+ CML) in chronic phase. The approval from the European Commission followed a positive opinion from the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP). It is based on findings from a pivotal Phase III trial demonstrating superiority to the standard of care Glivec® (imatinib)* in achieving molecular and cytogenetic response and delaying cancer progression. These data were first published in the June 17 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine[1] and were confirmed by 18-month median follow-up data presented at the 46th American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting held in June[2]. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Swissmedic and Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare have also approved Tasigna in this first-line indication. Regulatory submissions are under review in other countries worldwide. “We are pleased that Tasigna is now approved for newly diagnosed Ph+ CML patients in chronic phase in the member states of the European Union,” said Hervé Hoppenot, President, Novartis Oncology. “With this expanded indication, newly diagnosed patients can benefit from a Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase inhibitor that, according…
Continue reading …As expected the US Food and Drug Administration has opened the door to Merck & Co’s Gardasil vaccine for the prevention of anal cancer anal intraepithelial neoplasia. The US regulator followed the recommendation of its advisors last month by approving the drug for the prevention of anal cancer caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 and for the prevention of anal intraepithelial neoplasia grades 1, 2 and 3 (anal dysplasias and precancerous lesions) caused by HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18, in males and females nine through 26 years of age. The group’s US filing included data from a Phase III trial, first revealed back in February, which showed that Gardasil was able to prevent 77.5% of HPV 6, 11, 16, and 18-related AIN and anal cancer, clearly demonstrating its potential protective power for patients. “Treatment for anal cancer is challenging; the use of Gardasil as a method of prevention is important as it may result in fewer diagnoses and the subsequent surgery, radiation or chemotherapy that individuals need to endure,” said Karen Midthun, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, commenting on the FDA’s decision. Anal cancer is relatively uncommon, affecting around 2,000…
Continue reading …صرح الدكتور عبدالرحمن شاهين المتحدث باسم وزارة الصحة بأن الوزارة قامت بسحب عقار “ميثوتريكسات” المعالج لمرض السرطان بتركيزاته المختلفة من الأسواق بناء على قرار الشركة المصنعة له بالخارج ، لوجود عيوب في التركيز. وقال شاهين إن جميع دول العالم قامت بسحب العقار ، مشيرا إلى أن هناك بدائل بنفس المادة الفعالة والتركيز بالأسواق المصرية وتشمل أدوية “ميلان” و”سبيلا” و”إيمك” و”إن سي بي سي” و”أوريون فارما”.
Continue reading …يبدو أن شركة أبوت الأميريكيه وقعت في مأزق كبير بينها و بين مقدمين الرعاية الصحيه و المرضى , فبعد مشكلة حليب أبوت أبلغت إدارة الغذاء والدواء ورعاية مرضى السكرشركة ابوت المتخصصين في الرعاية الصحية ومرضي السكر من استرجاع 359 الف قطعة مختلفة من شرائط اختبار السكر في تسويقها تحت أسماء تجارية التالية : : Optium Medisense ، Optium ، OptiumEZ وReliOn . المشكلة تتعلق عيب أن يحول دون امتصاص كمية كافية من الدم إلى شريط الاختبار. تعرض الشرائط لاعتدال الطقس أو تخزينها لفترات طويلة قد تكون أكثر عرضة لتقديم نتيجة كاذبة. شرائط الاختبار مع التي تم استدعاؤها قد تعطي نتائج خاطئة بانخفاض مستوي السكر في الدم ، مما قد يؤدي بالمرضى الي محاو لة رفع مستوى السكر في الدم عندما يكون لا لزوم لها ، أو أن تفشل لعلاج ارتفاع السكر في الدم نتيجة لانخفاض قراءة خاطئة والتي تشكل مخاطر على الصحة. وتستخدم هذه الشرائط مع إكسترا ابوت الدقة ، والدقة إكسيد برو ، Optium MediSense ، Optium ، لوبيز Optium وReliOn لقياس مستوي الجلوكوز في الدم . كما أن العديد منها قد تتأثربعوامل الطقس المتغير وعدد تلك العبوات المسحوبة 359،000،000 . وتباع شرائط الاختبار ، التي تم تصنيعها بين يناير ومايو 2010 ، وتتوفرسواء في أماكن البيع بالتجزئة وعبر الإنترنت مباشرة إلى المستهلكين ، وتستخدم أيضا…
Continue reading …في سابقه هي الأولى من نوعها أعتمدت هيئة الغذاء و الدواء الأمريكيه عقار أكسيرون لشركة ليلي الأمريكيه , و هو أول عقار تستيستيرون يوضع تحت الابط FDA Approves First Underarm Testosterone Replacement Therapy The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved testosterone 2% topical solution (Axiron; Eli Lilly and Co and Acrux) as the first testosterone replacement therapy to be applied to the underarm, in much the same way as deodorant. The action was based on data from a phase 3 multicenter, open-label, 120-day clinical trial (n = 155), showing that 84.1% of men with hypogonadism achieved testosterone blood levels within the normal range (mean, 504 ng/dL; normal range, 300 to 1050 ng/dL), often within a 2-week period. Results also showed that treatment significantly improved mood, sexual desire, sexual activity, and sexual performance. “The posttreatment changes demonstrated positive responses in sexual desire, sexual activity, mood, and general well-being, underpinning the patient-reported benefits of this treatment. Patient compliance and acceptance of the unique no-touch axilla application technique was very good,” said lead investigator Christina Wang, MD, from the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute and professor of medicine at UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, California, in a company news release. Testosterone topical solution is…
Continue reading …Sublingual immunotherapy may be safe and effective for allergic rhinitis, according to an updated review reported online December 8 in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. The previous systematic review on this topic was first published in The Cochrane Database System Reviews. “Allergic rhinitis is a common condition which can significantly impair quality of life,” write Suzana Radulovic, from the LEAP Study Team, Paediatric Allergy Research Department in London, United Kingdom, and colleagues. “Immunotherapy by injection can significantly reduce symptoms and medication use but its use is limited by the possibility of severe systemic adverse reactions. Immunotherapy by the sublingual route is therefore of considerable interest.” The goal of this systematic review was to assess the effectiveness and safety of sublingual immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis. Through August 14, 2009, the reviewers searched the Cochrane ENT Group Trials Register; CENTRAL (2010, Issue 3); PubMed; EMBASE; CINAHL; Web of Science; BIOSIS Previews; Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; mRCT; and other sources for published and unpublished randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of sublingual immunotherapy in adults and children. Other criteria for studies to be included in the review were use of symptom and medication scores in adults or children, and reporting of adverse event data. Studies…
Continue reading …The value of the global pharmaceutical market is expected to grow 5-7 percent in 2011, to US$880 billion, compared with a 4-5 percent pace this year, according to IMS Health. The forecast, included in the latest release of IMS Market Prognosis™, is the leading annual industry indicator of market dynamics and therapy performance. “While the overall market will appear to rebound somewhat in 2011, the underlying constraints to growth in developed markets are stronger than ever – including the impact of major patent expiries and payer mechanisms to limit drug spending,” said IMS Senior Vice President Murray Aitken. “We expect the pharmerging markets to continue their rapid expansion next year and remain strong sources of growth, and also see the potential for several significant innovative treatment options that are becoming available for patients in areas that include metastatic melanoma, multiple sclerosis and acute coronary syndrome.” The IMS forecast covers all types of pharmaceuticals and takes into account macroeconomic conditions, changing levels of patient access, availability of drug treatment options, and pricing factors. Pricing is evaluated at the ex-manufacturer level, but excludes off-invoice discounts and rebates that are part of prevailing practices in certain major markets. Growth rates are expressed in…
Continue reading …The FDA announced Thursday that it is recommending withdrawing the licence for Roche’s Avastin (bevacizumab) as a treatment for breast cancer because the product “has not been shown to be safe and effective for that use.” Separately, the European Medicines Agency confirmed that the benefits of the therapy, in combination with paclitaxel, continue to “outweigh its risks” and therefore “remains a valuable treatment option for patients suffering from metastatic breast cancer.”
Continue reading …Taking daily low-dose aspirin could provide a significant protective effect against many different types of cancer, a study published in The Lancet suggests. The research, which looked data from more than 25,000 patients, found that a daily dose of aspirin 75mg cut deaths due to several common cancers, and that its benefit increased with duration of treatment. The combined results showed that taking aspirin cut the risk of dying from cancer by 21%, and that the overall rate of death for all cancers was slashed by 34% after five years’ continuous use. The effect was particularly strong for gastrointestinal cancers, deaths from which plummeted 54%. The findings will add weight to the argument that people should be taking daily aspirin to protect against a range of disease. Its cardioprotective effect is already well documented, and in October a Lancet-published trial showed the drug’s cut the risk of death from bowel cancer by a third. On the downside, however, there is a small increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding with long-term use of aspirin, which has put people off taking the drug regularly. However, Oxford University researcher Peter Rothwell noted that while “previous guidelines have rightly cautioned that in healthy middle-aged people…
Continue reading …Novartis’ long drawn-out efforts to buy out eye care specialist Alcon seem to have borne fruit after the Swiss major sweetened the deal to minority shareholders. Novartis recently bought Nestle’s remaining 52% stake for $180 per share, bringing the Basel-headquartered giant’s’ ownership of Alcon to 77%. However the offer of 2.8 Novartis shares for each Alcon share made to minority stockholders was repeatedly rejected as too low by Alcon’s independent directors committee. Now an agreement has been reached which will see the minority shareholders get up to 2.8 Novartis shares and a contingent value amount (CVA) of $168 for each outstanding share they hold in Alcon. The total merger consideration for the minority interest will be in the region of $12.90 billion, bringing the total deal value to some $51.60 billion. In order to pay for the deal, Novartis is launching a share buyback programme worth around $5 billion and use $900 million in cash. The transaction is expected to be 3% dilutive to fully diluted earnings per share. Daniel Vasella, Novartis’ chairman, said that “the full merger is the logical conclusion of our initial strategic investment in Alcon,” making the firm “the global leader in eye care, a rapidly-expanding,…
Continue reading …Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) announced that a significantly higher proportion of patients with newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia who were treated with bosutinib (39 percent) experienced a major molecular response (MMR), a secondary endpoint, compared with patients treated with imatinib (26 percent) in the intent-to-treat (ITT) population (p=0.002). However, the study did not meet its primary endpoint of superior complete cytogenetic response (CCyR) rate at one year versus imatinib (70 percent vs. 68 percent, respectively, [p=0.601]), in the ITT population. These results are from a Phase 3 study of the investigational compound bosutinib as a first-line treatment in patients with Philadelphia chromosome positive (Ph+) chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), called the Bosutinib Efficacy and safety in chronic myeloid LeukemiA [BELA] study. These data were presented at an oral presentation at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) (Abstract #208).(1) Preliminary data show that fewer patients who took bosutinib progressed to an advanced phase of the disease (n=4, 1.6 percent) compared to patients treated with imatinib (n= 10, 4.0 percent), and there were fewer deaths in the bosutinib arm (n=4, 1.2 percent) than in the imatinib arm (n= 10, 3.2 percent). Patients responding to bosutinib achieved CCyR faster…
Continue reading …Pfizer announced that CEO Jeffrey Kindler has retired. Ian Read, head of Pfizer’s global biopharmaceutical operations, will take over from Kindler as President, CEO and Director. Calling the four-and-a-half years he spent as CEO “exciting and rewarding,” Kindler also noted that it had been “extremely demanding…personally.” He added that after seeing the company through a full year following its acquisition of Wyeth, he had “concluded the time is right to turn the leadership of the company over to Ian Read.” Kindler’s successor became head of biopharmaceutical operations in 2006, and has also run Pfizer’s businesses in Latin America, Europe and Africa. Read noted that in his new role, he “will be looking at the performance and potential of all of our businesses to ensure we are delivering value to our customers and shareholders.” Constance Horner, lead independent director on Pfizer’s board, cited Read’s experience in emerging markets in announcing the change. Read “has brought to product development a focus and commitment to advance only medicines that have clear value to our customers,” Horner added. Pfizer noted that its board will appoint a non-executive chairman from its current membership at its next meeting, which is scheduled within the next two weeks….
Continue reading …Scientists working at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Grenoble, France have developed a new technique that enables them to introduce up to 15 fluorescent markers to a mammalian cell in one go. They say their findings could help speed up drug development and screening. The study was funded in part by the P-CUBE (Protein production platforms) project, which has clinched EUR 6.6 million through the Research Infrastructures budget line of the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). EMBL’s Imre Berger previously developed a technique that allowed scientists to create the equivalent of a make-up brush that is applied only once and highlights different features simultaneously. So cells could be given fluorescent labels to mark various cellular components in different colours, for example blue for the nucleus, yellow for the tubulin (a component of the cell’s scaffolding), red for the mitochondria, cyan for the membranes of vesicles called endosomes, and purple for the other membrane structures. This technology was created by Dr Berger as part of a method called MultiBac and used for expressing protein complexes in insect cells. In this latest study, published in the journal Nature Communications, Dr Berger and Philipp Berger from the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)…
Continue reading …GlaxoSmithKline has signed a deal which will see JSC Binnopharm manufacture a number of its vaccines in Russia. Specifically the UK drugs major will supply bulk vaccine and provide technology and expertise to enable Binnopharm to undertake the secondary manufacture, including filling and packaging, of a number of GSK products. The Zelenograd, Moscow-based firm will be responsible for getting its facilities up to scratch in terms of meeting international current Good Manufacturing Practice standards and getting regultory approval to supply GSK’s cervical cancer vaccine Cervarix, Rotarix (rotavirus) and the pneumococcal vaccine Synflorix under Binnopharm’s trademark for the Russian market. Commenting on the deal, the financial details for which have not been disclosed, Abbas Hussain, president of emerging markets and Asia Pacific at GSK, said it is “an example of the flexible approach we are taking to make innovative vaccines more available in emerging markets through local partnerships. Binnopharm’s general manager Maxim Uvarovclaimed the alliance “is a testament to the continued investment in our existing facilities “and the quality of its staff and management. He concluded that “our aim through signing this partnership agreement is to create a leading biotechnology company in Russia”.
Continue reading …Gilead’s once-daily combination treatment Truvada (tenofovir/emtricitabine) reduced the risk of contracting HIV in high-risk men compared to placebo, according to study results published Tuesday in the NEJM. The trial is the first to show that taking a drug before infection with the virus can reduce the risk of HIV transmission, the researchers said. Cate Hankins, chief scientific officer of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, commented that although the findings “show that this concept works,” the result was “a little lower than what we had hoped for, but nonetheless very encouraging.” The study randomised 2499 HIV-negative men or transgender women who have sex with men and who were at high risk of contracting the virus to receive daily treatment with Truvada or placebo. After a median follow-up of 1.2 years, researchers found that 100 people became infected with HIV, including 36 in the Truvada arm of the trial, and 64 in the placebo arm. “This means that the daily use of Truvada reduced the risk of HIV acquisition by 43.8 percent,” noted Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which funded the study. Data also showed that among those that had active drug…
Continue reading …تشهد سوق الدواء المصرى حالة من الارتباك بسبب النقص الحاد لعقار “سيكلو بروجينوفا” المنظم للدورة الشهرية لدى السيدات، والذى يؤدى نقصه إلى مضاعفات خطيرة تؤثر سلباً على الصحة الإنجابية للمرأة. أكد الدكتور عبد الله زين العابدين أمين عام نقابة الصيادلة اختفاء العقار من الأسواق منذ فترة وجيزة، لافتاً إلى أنه أحد الأنواع التى أدرجت ضمن قائمة الأدوية التى خفضت وزارة الصحة أسعارها مؤخراً مرجعاً سبب اختفائها إلى لجوء الشركة المصنعة إلى سياسة الضغط على وزارة الصحة لرفع أسعاره مرة أخرى من خلال وقف خطوط إنتاجه إلى مصر. وأشار زين العابدين أن الدواء يتم استيراده من الخارج، لافتاً إلى عدم وجود بدائل قوية للعقار بالأسواق المصرية، مطالباً وزارة الصحة بإلزام الشركة المصنعة بتوفيره بالصيدليات أو استيراده من الخارج.
Continue reading …The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first and only once-daily combination tablet featuring saxagliptin and extended-release (XR) metformin HCl (Kombiglyze XR; Bristol-Myers Squibb Co and AstraZeneca) to improve glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The product represents a new treatment alternative for the nearly 50% of adult patients whose diabetes remains uncontrolled on their current regimen and offers a simplicity that may also enhance therapeutic compliance. “Patients with type 2 diabetes in the United States can be taking four or five medications for various diseases and conditions, which can lead to complicated medication schedules,” said Howard Hutchinson, MD, AstraZeneca’s chief medical officer, in a company news release. “Kombiglyze XR combines two effective diabetes medications in a simple once-a-day dose for adult patients who need A1c reductions.” By incorporating the complimentary mechanisms of a dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor (saxagliptin) and a biguanide (metformin), the combination therapy addresses all 3 key defects in type 2 diabetes: It increases insulin secretion in a glucose-dependent manner, suppresses hepatic gluconeogenesis, and improves insulin sensitivity. “Type 2 diabetes is a chronic, progressive and multi-factorial disease, and over time, patients often require more than one medication to address the multiple…
Continue reading …بعد أن طالعتنا الأخبار قبل ثلاثة أيام بأن باير حققت نموا كبيرا للربع الثالث من هذا العام ,فوجئنا اليوم بنيتها لفصل 4500 موظف. و هذه الخطوه تأتي متزامنه مع الخطوه التي أتخذتها شركة روش لفصل عدد كبير من الوظفين. بررت شركة باير أن الأسباب هي زيادة الضغط من الأدويه الجينيريك و ارتفاع تكاليف التطوير و علل الدكتور ماريجن ديكرز أن هذه الخطوه تأتي في سعي الشركه لاعادة توجيه المصادر و زيادة الفاعليه و خفض المصاريف 4,500 Bayer jobs to be axed The raft of pharma job cuts continues this week, with Bayer next to announce some 4,500 positions are to go. Following quickly in the step of Roche , the German company is slashing jobs in a restructuring bid to invest its resources “more systematically in growing the company and enhancing its innovative capability”. Faced with pressures from generics, rising development costs and healthcare reforms, Bayer’s focus will be on researching, developing and marketing new products, particularly in healthcare and CropScience, and on expanding activities in emerging markets. “To finance the expansion of our growth activities, we therefore need to redirect resources, improve efficiencies and cut costs,” Dr Marijn Dekkers, Bayer AG management board chairman, said. While 4,500 jobs are…
Continue reading …Roche announced plans Wednesday to cut 6 percent of its global workforce, or 4800 jobs, over the next two years as part of a restructuring programme that seeks to generate annual cost savings of 2.4 billion Swiss francs ($2.4 billion) by 2012. Under the programme, which was first announced in September, the company’s global sales and marketing workforce would be reduced by a total of 2650 positions, mainly because of the recent setback with taspoglutide. In addition, approximately 1200 jobs will be cut in the company’s North American commercial operations, mostly in its primary care business, and 700 positions will be lost in commercial operations in Europe. A further 800 jobs would be transferred to other sites, with 700 positions outsourced to third parties. The total number of jobs affected will top 6300, with 3550 of these cuts occurring in the US. Some reductions would occur through normal attrition, Roche noted. CEO Severin Schwan said that the drugmaker will also discontinue development of some preclinical research programmes “across the board,” including in cancer, although the company will remain in its current therapeutic areas. Development of one clinical compound in early-stage development will be stopped, he commented, adding that…
Continue reading …المصدر http://www.youm7.com/News.asp?NewsID=302851&SecID=203&IssueID=0 قضت محكمة جنح الاقتصادية بتغريم رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة كبرى للأدوية مبلغ 698 ألف جنيه لاتهامه بعدم تقديم القوائم لمالية الخاصة بالشركة إلى الهيئة العامة لسوق المال فى المواعيد المحددة قانونياً. صدر الحكم برئاسة المستشار محمد سمير، وعضوية المستشارين خالد عاشور، وإيمان الإمام، وأمانة سر حسن أحمد. كانت الهيئة العامة لسوق المال قد اتهمت رئيس الشركة بمخالفة المادة 65 مكرر من قانون سوق رأس المال وقواعد القيد المرتبطة بها، بشأن تأخرها فى موافاة الهيئة بالقوائم المالية فى المواعيد المقررة قانونياً، بعدما تأخرت الشركة عن تقديم القوائم المالية للهيئة لمدة 349 يوماً فقضت المحكمة بتغريم الشركة مبلغ قدره 2000 جنيه عن كل يوم تأخير. يذكر أن قرار مجلس إدارة الهيئة رقم 30 لسنة 2002 ينص على أنه “على الشركة المقيد لها أسهم أو شهادات إيداع مصرية أو وثائق استثمار، موافاة البورصة بنسخة من القوائم المالية السنوية فور إعدادها من مجلس إدارة الشركة، مرفقاً بها تقرير مجلس الإدارة وتقرير مراقب الحسابات، على أن يكون ذلك قبل بداية انعقاد جلسة التداول فى اليوم التالى على الأكثر من إعدادها، كما يتم موافاة الهيئة والبورصة بصورة من تلك القوائم ومن محضر اجتماع الجمعية العامة خلال عشرة أيام من تاريخ اعتمادها من الجمعية العامة. كما أنه يجوز لرئيس الهيئة التصالح عن هذه الجرائم فى…
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