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Zagazig and Tanta Vacant .Medical Rep.

10 years
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Sofia egypt for pharmaceutical products and industries under liscence of sofia france – Business Model :-To have our private labels through contract with both local and international FDA approved Manufacturer ,suppliers and distributers To market our products through our professional sales and marketing team In Egypt and Gulf Area is seeking for Medical Rep in the following areas ( Zagazig and Tanta City ) Candidiates shoud be vetrinary medicine or science only – Male or female – Have Driving license – Prefer Exceperience in dermatology or orthopedics – Salary Starting From 3000 L.E Plus Expenses …. If interested send your updated cv to sales.manager@sofiaeg.com , and state “your area” in the subject line of your email. for more information you are welcome to visit our site www.sofiaeg.com

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