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Requested for immediate Hiring

10 years
Direction :

Submitted In:

Vacancy   :

Seriopharm Is looking forward to add more members to its expanding family, In the capacity of “Medical Representatives”, In The following areas :

1) Cairo : All Areas.  ref: CMR

2) Giza : Dokky    ref: GMR

3) Alex : West & Center 1.   ref: AMR

4) Gharbeya : Tanta   ref: TMR

5) Menofia.    ref: MMR

6) Upper Egypt : All governments.     ref: UMR

Applicants Shall be :

1) Pharmacist , Vet or science.

2) Honest, ambitious and ready to work within a team.

3) Experience : The ability to learn is all what we ask for.


Please send your CVs to

careers@seriopharm.com , and put the relative ref. code in the subject

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