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Freelancer trainer willing to cooperate with pharmaceutical and medical companies

11 years
Direction :

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Vacancy   :

If you are a newly established organization and you are interested to upgrade the skills level of your sales / marketing team to enhance their productivity , we can support you to improve their skills level and help you achieve your sales objectives.

We offer the following courses:

Effective Communication Skills
Professional Selling Skills.
How to Overcome Fears of Selling.
Adaptive Selling.
Selling to Groups.
Group Presentation Skills.
Key Account Managemet.
Professional Negotiation Skills.
However, We are ready to offer your team customized training programs according to your training and development plan or depending on its training needs.

Instructor’s Profile:

A professional freelancer trainer with past experience of more than 20 years in the fields of marketing, sales, HR and training within multinational and national pharmaceutical and medical companies within the Egyptian market.

Along his experience he occupied the positions of National Sales Manager, Sales and Marketing Manager and ended his professional areer with a position of HR Manager for a group of pharmaceutical companies.

In addition to his strong past experience, he holds the following academic degrees:

1) B.Sc of Veterinary Medicine.

2) Bachelor’s degree of Business Administration.

3) Diploma on Marketing.

4) Diploma in Sales Management (AUC ).

5) Diploma in HR Management.

6) Master of Business Administration.

Interested Companies are kindly requested to send their contacts to :


Wishing all of you the best of luck……

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