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FPI (future pharmaceutical industries )

10 years
Direction :

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Vacancy   :

Future Pharmaceutical Industries “FPI” Better Health …. Better Future established fast growing pharmaceutical company having a current GMP plant in Badr City, EGYPT due to new expansion in CVS line we are seeking to employ ambitious, qualified, potential, serious, and career targeting personnel for the following vacancy in “FPI” scientific office

med rep in the following area :

Kafr Elshikh ( kafr Elshikh 1 ) , Alex center , El behira , Menoufia ( quessna or berket elsab3 resident ) , All cairo , Maadi , Faisal , Imbaba , Giza centers , Dakahlia (  El khat El fransawy ) , Qena

-vet , pharmacist only
-fresh or experience
– Male or female
-hard worker
-presentable, ambitions, good communication skills ,excellent computer skills and English language.
In “FPI” we believe that our personnel are the most valuable assets.
In “FPI” we have an attractive offer including salaries, cars & benefits.

We offer very competitive salary starting from 3700 LE and experience will be considered ,excellent incentive scheme ,social & health insurance and car policy or car allowance from 1st day .

In “FPI” your career pathway strongly exist.

Please send your updated CV to this E-mail


write your area in subject otherwise your cv will be neglected

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