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12 years
Direction :

Submitted In:

Vacancy   :

Eccopharm is a fast growing pharmaceutical company that offers great job opportunities within Egypt

  : Due to our expansion plans, we are looking to hire the following positions

1-    Line Sales Manager (CVS)                                     Ref (LSM)

2-    Product Manager (CVS)                                        Ref (P.M)

3-    Line Sales Manager (Ophthalmology)             Ref (LSM)

4-    District Managers    (all governorates )          Ref (DM)

5-    Product Specialist    (CVS)                                    Ref (CVS)

6-    Product Specialist    (Ophthalmology)             Ref (OPH)

7-    Medical Representative                                         Ref (M.R)

We offer an attractive package, car policy, Health insurance and valuable incentive scheme besides healthy atmosphere

If you are interested, please send you C.V with a recent photo within one week

To : drmdraz@gmail.com

N.B: please mention your job reference and place of residence in mail head

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