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BETA pharma Vacancies in Cairo, Giza, Fayyoum, Beni Swaif, Menofeyyia, Sharkeyyia, Qena, Assiut and Dakahleyia

12 years
Direction :

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Vacancy   :

Medical Representatives Required

Beta pharma for pharmaceutical industries is one of the fast growing pharmaceutical companies in Egypt having a high classified products under different categories Like Antibiotics (injections, oral suspension and Film Coated Tablets), Hormones, Eye drops (antibiotics, anti-glaucoma, anti-inflammatory).
We are seeking a position for a Fresh Medical Representatives who will be responsible for Promoting our Products in Private Sectors .
Skills & Qualifications Needed :
Male and Female
– Age not more than 25.
– Bsc of pharmacy, Vet or science.
– Good command of English & computer skills .
– Good level of selling & communication skills .
– Dynamic , self motivated , enthusiastic ,honest ,hard worker & result oriented .
– Good looking image is a must ..
Vacancy available MR in Cairo, Giza, Fayyoum, Beni Swaif, Menofeyyia, Sharkeyyia and Dakahleyia.

and Senior MR in Qena and Assiut ,, (own car is superiority)

** Competitive Salary ((170َ0 L.E for the ist 3 months (Probation period), then 2000 L.E after 3 months)) will be offered + Incentive scheme + Own car system after 12 months from starting ( Provided that achievement should not be less than 70% by the end of the 1st year) s+ a company business mobile line + Social insurance after 3 months + Health insurance.
Interested colleagues should kindly send their detailed CV within one week to the following mail:


** Do not forget to Put this words into the Subject Place when you send your C.V : Issue MR – ( your Area )

you can visit our Website for more details too: www.BETApharmaegypt.com

Thanks And Good Luck

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