Pharmacist & Assistant in pharmacy at 6th of October city call at 0111 616 999
Continue reading …if you are active , ambitious ,enthusiastic and hard worker seeking for challenging opportunity as part time med rep sigma offer an opportunity as part time med rep in minia candidate should be : pharmacist freshly graduated resident in minia town if you meet above criteria kindly send your CV within i week to following mail:
Continue reading …أحصل على نشرة الوظائف الخاليه للصيادله أسبوعيا في مصر و السعوديه و الخليج بتسجيل ايميلك هنا و لنشر وظيفه خاليه في شركتك أو صيدليتك أضغط هنا – الالتزام – نعدك أن نعمل 365 يوم سنويا لتصلك الوظائف و الأخبار بانتظام حتى يستمر اعتمادك علينا وثقتك فينا فريق مجلة قهوة الصيادله KSA to KSA + Add a vacancy Freelancer Medical Interviewers- Field Researchers We need freelancer medical intervieers to interview physicians in Saudi Arabia and Gulf . Please, send your 1 page CV having your previous research experience if any. And the sector you are experienced with. Kindly, put your name, city of residence/ country on the subject of the email. medicalresearch.gulf@ Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacists for Al Riyadh city Big pharmaceutical company in Riyadh Requires: Pharmacists Excellent salaries & good working environment For more information please call: Tel: 0561670779 Fax: 014227738 E-mail: mohsaid1977@ Pharmacists_coffee magazine Med Rep for Al Dammam Fast growing medical company of well known product in Saudi market Need male med. Rep in Dammam Pharmacist, age below 28 Experience required one year Send your CV by Fax: 03-8429726 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Male and Female for nutrition company in KSA Infant Nutrition company in Saudi Arabia…
Continue reading …A well Established Industrial Pharmaceutical Company is looking forward to hire high caliber MEDICAL REPS. for all governorates.. The selected candidate must: Hold a B.Sc of or science. Male or female medical rep, experience or without, Age not exceed 28yrs FULL TIME Ambitious, Dynamic and self motivated Please mention your C.V and your area written in the subject otherwise it will be neglectedwithin one week to the following e mail
Continue reading …Opportunities -Medical Representatives (Maady , Saida, Helwan & Moqatam) (ONLY) Good English and computer skills. Ambitious, dynamic, self motivated And High ability to learn We offer Healthy Workplace -Attractive salary and benefits. Kindly send your CV to email:
Continue reading …As a result of continued growth, a leading pharmaceutical company is looking to recruit an experienced medical rep AREA : Kafr El-Sheikh & Sharkia Qualifications: – Pharmacist, Vet & Medicine – English & Arabic language required, verbal and written Leader, results driven interpersonal – Communication skills, organization skills, ability to analyze and solve problems, ability to adapt to change If you feel you have the competence to perform the needed job requirements with a desire of growth and outstanding career path, please apply within 1 week and send your CV to:
Continue reading …We are an Egyptian Pharmaceutical Company Due to our extensions we are seeking to recruit qualified A. Product Manager 2 years Previous experience is a must and Experience in the CVS is a plus Attractive package and career pathway Please contact us at Email: Fax: 26721039
Continue reading …Fast growing pharmaceutical company requires immediately full time medical reps for the following areas : Haram & Faisal , Minia , Dokki & Mohandesen , Alex west and Behira Applicants should be Pharmacist or vet only , The company offers attractive package those intersted kindly send cv to
Continue reading …Multi_pharma pharmaceutical company requires medical rep in Alexandria only , males or females (vet,science or pharmacist ) experience is preferred if u are interested send ur c.v to fax 03\5439572 for more info call 0106344807 (dr abdallah hassan DM derma line ).
Continue reading …* يشترط توافر الآتي عند التقدم للوظيفة :- 1. أن تنحصر سنة التخرج بين عامي 2002 – 2008 . 2. القدرة علي العمل لفترات طويلة وذلك لطبيعة عمل المكتب . 3. الإجادة التامة للحاسب الآلي واللغة الإنجليزية . 4. يفضل الحصول علي دورات تدريبية في علوم الإدارة والجودة . 5. يشترط للذكور تقديم ما يفيد إنهاء الخدمة العسكرية . 6. أن يكون محل السكن في نطاق القاهرة الكبرى . 7. يتم قبول طلبات التقديم (C.V ) بالمكتب الفني للسيد الوزير علي العنوان التالي :- ( 3 ش مجلس الشعب مبني الوزير الدور الثاني يومياً من الساعة ال 9 صباحاً وأخر موعد لقبول الطلبات 30/11/2010) .
Continue reading …A pharmacy for sale in damanhour ,egypt pharamcy of dr/mohamed salah damanhour ,elwehda elrabia street(souk syria) for final sale (renting is not acceptable) 30 meters opened 3 years ago for contact 0105828370
Continue reading …looking for talent medial rep in dakahlia-sharkia & domiatt send your CV To
Continue reading …Maspharma new multinational cosmoceutical Company is seeking to hire young, self-motivated, energetic and dynamic med rep for the following vacant positions based in EGYPT, KSA 1-Medical representatives in Egypt for all governorates ( ref . EMR) · Male & female · Pharmacists only · Age: not more than 26 years · At least 2 years experience in pharma environment (preferably in multinational companies dermatology line) · Good communication skills with English language proficiency · Valid Egyptian driving license 2-Medical representatives in KSA ( ref . SMR) · Male only · Pharmacists only · Age: not more than 26 years · At least 2 years experience in pharma environment (preferably in multinational companies dermatology line in saudi market) · Good communication skills with English language proficiency · Transferable Iqama perferable 3- Product managers (based in Cairo) (Ref.EPM) · Pharmacists only · Age: not more than 30 years Minimum 2 years experience in similar position in the Egyptian pharmaceutical field dermatological line 4- Sales supervisors/district manager (All governorates) (Ref.EDM) Pharmacists only · Age: not more than 30 years Minimum of 2 years experience in similar position in the Egyptian pharmaceutical field Kindly send your updated CV with recent photo to email:…
Continue reading …Well established pharmaceutical company needs Medical trainer with experiance in the same position Physcian is a must. C V to
Continue reading …Fast growing pharmaceutical company requires immediately full time medical Reps for the following areas : Minia , Alex west , Behira , Haram & Faisal , Dokki & Mohandesen Selected candidates should be 1.Pharmacist or vet 2.newly graduate or 1-2 year experience 3-hard working 4. self motivated The company offers attractive package please send CV to
Continue reading …Vacancy for a Specialized Multinational Pharmaceutical Company Seeking for Part-time Medical Rep Male or Female Pharmacy-Medicine or Veterinary Graduate Resident in Damietta or Canal Cities Fresh or experienced, Hard worker, enthusiastic & self motivational. We offer an attractive salary, good incentive, training courses and good work environment Please send updated C.V. with a recent photo to the following e-mail:
Continue reading …Product Specialist- Oncology line is required for potential international company in Alexandria & Cairo Requirements: 1- hard worker 2- Male Only 3- Alex. Cairo residents only 4- one year experience least 5- having good negotiation skills 6- area analysis and target break down skills are very important N.B : if you are interested in another job( IT, HR, Marketing ……), you will send your C.V to non Authorized Person to apply please send your C.V to
Continue reading …أحصل على نشرة الوظائف الخاليه للصيادله أسبوعيا في مصر و السعوديه و الخليج بتسجيل ايميلك هنا و لنشر وظيفه خاليه في شركتك أو صيدليتك أضغط هنا — الالتزام – نعدك أن نعمل 365 يوم سنويا لتصلك الوظائف و الأخبار بانتظام حتى يستمر اعتمادك علينا وثقتك فينا فريق مجلة قهوة الصيادله KSA to KSA + Add a vacancy Medical Rep. Needed in south of KSA Fast Growing Multinational Nutritional French Company Medical Sales Representative Must be : *Male *Age not more than 30 years *Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy or Veterinary Medicine is a Must *Transferable Saudi Iqama is a Must *Holding Saudi Valid Driveing license *Able to Work Hard Under Stress The Characteristic Candidate Please Contact : *Dr. Haytham Ali (Area Supervisor) Mobile: 0503018791 or via E-Mail: Ali_haytham@ Within 10 Days Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacist required Pharmacist required urgently Tel: 0533335833 Pharmacists_coffee magazine International Pharmaceutical Company in Saudi Arabia International Pharmaceutical Company need for Urgent Hiring in Saudi Arabia : A-Sales Supervisor -Western Southern Area Previous experiance in the same position for 2 years is Must in reputable pharmaceutical company. Good Leadership and Communication Skills. Male ,Located in Jeddah with Transferable Iqama. B- Medical representative : One to two years…
Continue reading …Large Industrial Pharmaceutical Company Opportunities -Medical Representatives (Maady , Saida, Helwan & Moqatam) (ONLY) Good English and computer skills. Ambitious, dynamic, self motivated And High ability to learn We offer Healthy Workplace -Attractive salary and benefits. Kindly send your CV to email:
Continue reading …Female Pharmacist for a Pharmacy in Tanta Female Pharmacist is required for a pharmacy in Tanta, with Experience. Please call 0146636677 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Roxy Needs pharmacists Tel: 0149098093 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Helwan Needs pharmacists Tel: 25543248 – 0127774826 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Zaher Needs pharmacists Tel: 0127733968 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Faisal Needs pharmacists Tel: 0105534699 – 33851431 – 35847917 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Nasr City Needs pharmacists with minimum 3 years experience Tel: 01522828867 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Shobra Al-Khaima Needs male/female pharmacists Tel: 0122976692 – 42200805 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Nasr City Needs pharmacists Tel: 0123257301 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Sefarat Pharmacy in Sefarat – Nasr City Needs pharmacists Tel: 0141565152 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Faisal Needs pharmacists Tel: 0143042045 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Nasr City Needs pharmacists Tel: 0103997507 – 0123126403 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Shourok City Needs pharmacists Tel: 26072080 – 0175536801 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Manshiat Al-Sadr Needs pharmacists Tel: 0110874440 – 0127420045 – 26855290 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Imbaba Needs pharmacists Tel: 22350672 – 0107250105 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Group pharmacies Pharmacies in Masr Al-Gadida – Mohandeseen – Faisal Needs pharmacists Tel: 0144447650 – 37620006 – 37619524 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Shobra Al-Khaima…
Continue reading …Due to our expansion in the market, we are seeking to hire highly qualified candidates with strong interpersonal, communication, and problem solving skills to join our sales team & work as: Business unit managers District managers Cairo residents only Qualifications: · Pharmacists, vets or physicians · Minimum 5 years experience in the same position in a well reputable company in the Egyptian market · Excellent command of English language · Professional computer skills · Valid driving license A competitive remuneration package according to qualifications and experience will be offered to the successful candidate with excellent opportunities for a career path Please email your detailed CV + recent photo quoting the position you are applying for and your governorates in the subject field within one week to:
Continue reading …We are a multinational pharmaceutical company with a strong presence in the USA, EUROPE, & the MENA region We are seeking candidates for the following positions: 1- Area manager (Ref.AM) Min. 3-5 years experience in a supervisory role in multinational pharmaceutical company, with a proven track record in managing no. of supervisors and/or medical reps and having good relationships with clients, proactive with a strong drive to succeed, all governorates 2- Field force supervisors (Ref.FS) Min. 5 years experience in multinational pharmaceutical company, with excellent leadership and communication skills, all governorates 3- Medical representatives (Ref.MR) Min. 2 years experience, hard worker, ability to work under pressure to meet job targets with excellent communication skills, all governorates 4- Product manager (Ref.PM) Min. 5 years experience in a multinational pharmaceutical company, with extensive marketing knowledge in the Egyptian marketing, and excellent ability to communicate with sales team in all levels If you feel you have the competence to perform the needed job requirements with a desire of growth and outstanding career path, please apply within 1 week and send your CV indicating the job code to:
Continue reading …Offers the following opportunities for its new manufacturing plants at six of October city 1- Plant manager (Ref.PM) 15 years of experience 2- Production manager “sterile area” (Ref.DM2) 10 years of experience 3- Quality assurance manager (Ref.QM3) 10 years of experience 4- Stability & methodology section head (Ref.QC1) 5 years of experience 5- HPLC analyst (Ref.QC2) 3 years of experience 6- Microbiologist (Ref.QC3) 3 years of experience Experience must be in pharmaceutical sector Please mention ref. code in email subject Apply to:
Continue reading …Needs for its factory located in New Borg Al-Arab City the following: 1- Pharmacists & chemists (fresh graduates or experienced males) 2- Microbiologists (minimum 3 years experience) Send your CV to: Or B.O Box 160 Borg Al-Arab
Continue reading …* A Fast Growing Chain of Pharmacies Due to Expansion we are hiring : 1. HR Manager . 2. District Manager . 3. Branch Managers . 4. Pharmacist . 5. Cosmetics Specialist . 6. Acountants. 7. Delivery . – Jobs from 1- 4 should be Pharmacist. We offer an attractive packages . Please send your C.V. to: Email: – 1-2 yrs experience in chain pharmacies is a must .
Continue reading …Product Specialist- OTC line is required for potential international company in Alexandria ( Center and west area Only ) Requirements: 1- hard worker 2- Male Only 3- Alex. City residents only ( West and center only ) 4- one year experience is a must 5- having good negotiation skills 6- area analysis and target break down skills are very important N.B : if you are interested in another job( IT, HR, Marketing ……), you will send your C.V to non Authorized Person to apply please send your C.V to
Continue reading …Atos pharma-egypt Seeking Young, ambitious & self motivated Medical Representatives in kalubia Successful candidates must meet the following criteria – University degree in Pharmacy or Vet only -at least one year experience -Driving license -preferable owing car Company offer compensation basic salary and car allowance Please send updated C.V. with a recent photo to the following e-mail:
Continue reading …TAG Pharma Due to Expansion plan need the follow Full time medical rep. (code F M ) Part time medical rep. ( code P M ) senior act as supervisor ( code S S ) supervisor ( code S ) For all governorates 5. National Sales Manager For Job 3 & 4 & 5 must have 2 years experience in the same position send your C.V to
Continue reading …A female pharmacist is required to work in a morning shift in pharmacy at gesr elsuez -soo2 elqanal eldawly station-madinet qeba22-cairo-egypt tel:0103071636
Continue reading …Well established pharmaceutical company needs medical reps in Cairo & Giza ,please send your CV to:
Continue reading …Female Pharmacist is required for a pharmacy in Tanta, with Experience. Please call 0146636677
Continue reading …One of the top tier pharmaceutical companies in Egypt required the following positions: 1- Sales supervisors/district manager (All governorates) (Ref.DM) Minimum of 2 years experience in similar position in the Egyptian pharmaceutical field 2- Full time medical representatives (all governorates) (Ref.MR) Fresh graduate or experienced Graduation: Pharmacist or Vet Age not more than 28 years Good computer literature Finished military service Presentable & enthusiastic We offer: Healthy workplace and development Career growth opportunity Excellent remuneration package, including car Interested candidates must send their CVs with recent photo to the job code written in the subject otherwise it will be neglected to.
Continue reading …Med rep,Senior&District Managers for new established company – medical rep. should be vet. or scientist – Medical reps :Resident in Cairo, Giza, Assute, Luxur & Aswan – Senior Med. reps & District Managers should be resident in Cairo. – Military Service: Completed or Exempted – if you are interested, please send your CV & recent photo to the following email address
Continue reading …pharmacy at hadayek al-maadi needs pharmacists with experience Tel: 01000 20 419
Continue reading …A leading pharmaceutical Magazine is looking for Medical representatives: -Pharmacists, vets, or science –4 years experience -Age below 28 years Send your CV within 10 days to:
Continue reading …AL maamora elbalad,kebly seka hadid final license 50 m price 250,000 mobile 0102425992
Continue reading …Spectrapharm is a dynamic pharmaceutical company Seeking Young, ambitious & self motivated Medical Representatives with an experience of 1 year is preferable Area 1. Misr gedida 2. Shubra 3. Abbasia Please send your resume to
Continue reading …مخزن أدوية للبيع تمليك مساحة 150 م تمليك ناصية تشطيب سوبر لوكس بالتليفون الأرضى و رخصة وزارة الصحة بالمنصورة. الأتصال على 0183004090
Continue reading …We are a multinational Pharmaceutical Company and our regional office located in Cairo, Egypt Due to our new expansion in Egyptian market, we’re looking to hire new members to join our successful team in EGYPT in the following positions: 1- Product Managers (Cairo Office): With at least 2 years experience in a similar position Experience with anti-infective and CVS will be an advantage Age not more than 32 years 2- Area Managers (Cairo Office): With at least 2 years experience in a similar position Age not more than 35 years 3- Field Force Supervisors (All governorates): With at least 2 years experience in a similar position Experience with anti-infective and CVS will be an advantage Age not more than 30 years 4-Medical Representatives (All governorates): With at least 2 years experience in a similar position Experience with anti-infective and CVS will be an advantage Age not more than 25 years If you have the above criteria, you’re kindly requested to send your resume with a recent photo to the following e-mail within two weeks:
Continue reading …Due to our new expansion in the Egyptian market urgent hiring female medical rep for all governates vet or science only can apply ref (mr egypt 2011) 2-district manger resident in mansoura-tanta-damnhour-alex-assuit-qena-gizza and cairo age not more than 32 years previous experience in cosmetic field not less than 5years valid driving license submit your c.v at
Continue reading …New Pharmacy in Obor City near the Central building newly licensed new furniture in crowded with population area free of Pharmacies for more information call : 0103543351 Or- in Saudi Arabia : 0554434804 D. Hany
Continue reading …أحصل على نشرة الوظائف الخاليه للصيادله أسبوعيا في مصر و السعوديه و الخليج بتسجيل ايميلك هنا و لنشر وظيفه خاليه في شركتك أو صيدليتك أضغط هنا KSA to KSA + Add a vacancy Assistant brand manager for multinational health company A multi-national health company requires for its operation in Saudi Arabia, The following jobs vacancy at Jeddah Office: 1. Assistant brand manager (male/female), the requirements are: · Bachelor degree · Age not more than 32 years · Good command of English language · Not less than 3 years experience in marketing field with proven records and experience · Experience with the health field is strongly assist 2. Customer service specialist (female), requirements: · University degree · Age not more than 35 years · Good command on English language · High communication skills · High administrative skills · Previous experience with the same job description is an assist Please send your resume with the assigned job no. to the following address within one week: Mangment_resources@ Pharmacists_coffee magazine Cosmoceutical company in KSA requires Med Reps Cosmoceutical company based in Jeddah is seeking Medical representative for western region in KSA Candidate should: 1- Pharmacy or science or vet. graduate 2- At…
Continue reading …A multinational company Working in the medical field is expanding in Egypt and Saudi Arabia and is seeking to appoint suitable candidate to fill the following position: Medical representative Essential conditions: – From 1 to 2 years of professional experience in a multinational company – Good presentation, selling and communication skills – Valid driving license – Finished military or governmental obligation – Languages: Arabia & English For Egypt: · Medical background (bachelor or more) · Location: Cairo, Alexandria, Delta (Egypt) For Saudi Arabia: · Pharmacist background only (bachelor or more) · Location: kingdom of Saudi Arabia If you are energetic, adaptable and motivated to move to a challenge and fast-growing multinational company, you can send updated CV within 10 days to the following email: Ref: MR Egypt 2011 (if you apply for Egypt) Or MR KSA 2011 (if you apply for KSA)
Continue reading …Announces an excellent career opportunities in all governorates for: Medical representatives: The candidate should ideally have: · B.Sc in pharmaceutical science/human or vet medicine/general science · Fresh graduate · Good communication skills · Good English & Arabic language Product specialists: The candidate should ideally have: · B. Sc in pharmaceutical science/human or vet medicine/general science · Minimum 2 years of experience in a multinational pharmaceutical company preferably in oncology, biologicals or hospital line · Good communication & selling skills · Good English & Arabic language Sales supervisors: The candidate should ideally have: · B. Sc in pharmaceutical science/human or vet medicine/general science · Minimum 3 years experience as medical representative + 1 year experience as sales supervisor in a multinational company · Good English & Arabic language Human Resource Department 13 El Shiekh El Sha’arawy St., Sheraton area Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt
Continue reading …A fast growing company required medical reps. all over the governorates. He/she should be: 1- pharmacies, vet. or science 2-fresh grduated or one year experiance 3-dynamic, active and able to work under stress To applay please send your c.v. to:
Continue reading …Medical Marketing Centre MMC We supporting you every where Do you want to be certified ,We will start Pharmaceutical sales and marketing diploma In Delta &ALEX 4 module/136 Hours /3 months Sessions in Friday and Saturday Accredited certificate from UK college To reserve your seat in early round please call us: 012 32 15 747
Continue reading …Pharmacy in Giza Needs a manager pharmacist Tel: 35720745 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Masr Al-Gadida Needs male/female pharmacists Tel: 26424611 – 0177222675 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Zaweya Al-Hamra Needs pharmacists Tel: 24229543 – 0170566063 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Nasr City Pharmacy in Sefarat – Nasr City needs pharmacists Tel: 0141565152 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Imbaba Needs pharmacists with experience Housing is available Tel: 33131700 – 0164550828 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Faisal Needs pharmacists Tel: 35871683 – 0119279233 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Faisal Needs pharmacists Tel: 37824078 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Sharm Al-Shaikh Needs pharmacists Excellent salaries Tel: 0100898827 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Nasr City Needs pharmacists with or without experience Housing is available Tel: 0118577007 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in 6th of October Needs pharmacists with experience Tel: 35935530 – 0109618781 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Marioteya Needs pharmacists with experience Tel: 0123538526 – 37454315 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Ramsees Needs pharmacists Tel: 0122198153 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Gesr Al-Suez Needs pharmacists Housing is available Tel: 26980464 – 0188908901 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Nasr City Needs pharmacists Tel: 0104310030 – 24154969 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharmacy in Helmyat Al-Zatoon Needs pharmacists Tel: 26338538 – 0105880236 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Group pharmacies Pharmacies in New Cairo &…
Continue reading …Due to expansion in our company Looking for joining highly ambitious motivated * Medical Representative In: DAMITA (ref : dam) AL-MAHALA AL-KOBRA (Ref : mah) MANSOURA ( ref: dak) Pharmacists – vet Owning a car will be an assist We offer an accelerated career path, professional growth & competitive package with a car policy. Please send updated C.V. with a recent photo to the following e-mail: * please mention the ref and your town in the subject, otherwise the message will not be accepted
Continue reading …Pharmacist for a community pharmacy in mokattam residence available for free telephone 0227271221, 0167551512
Continue reading …– medical rep. should be vet. or scientist – Medical reps :Resident in Cairo, Giza, Assute, Luxur & Aswan – Senior Med. reps & District Managers should be resident in Cairo. – Military Service: Completed or Exempted – if you are interested, please send your CV & recent photo to the following email address
Continue reading …Multinational pharmaceutical Company is seeking for 1. Area Manager for Delta ( REF. AM ) Should be Pharmacist or Veterinarian Resident at Garbia Governorate ( Tanta ) 2. Field Force Supervisor ( REF. SV ) Should be Pharmacist or Veterinarian Resident at Garbia Governorate ( Tanta ) please send your updated CV with recent photo with in 2 weeks to: E-mail: Tel. +2 010 499 5559 please write Ref : type on the Subject
Continue reading …Beta Pharma for Pharmaceutical Industries Specialized in 3 major lines..Ophthalmology..Hormones..Antibiotics announce for a vacancy for a medical rep based in ALEX WEST 2 area Company offer: 1300 basic salary for the freshly graduated + 400 expenses + free mobile line+ Ownership car after 6 months For further data about the company check If you are interested send your C.V with a recent photo to
Continue reading …Due to our developmental and expansion plan we are urgently require 1. District Manager for upper egypt area ( REF. DM ) should be pharmacist or veterinarian with at least 2 years experience 2. Medical Representative ( REF. MR ) should be from upper egypt al menia , asyut , sohage , quena and aswan should be pharmacist or veterinarian previous experience will be asset we offer competitive package , own car and very attractive incentive scheme please send your c.v to within a week , with the job ref.
Continue reading …urgently…pharmacist needed for pharmacy in embaba…day shift… housing available.. good package..male or female..fresh or 0106031168
Continue reading …Well Established Industrial Pharmaceutical Company is looking forward to hire high caliber medical reps. The selected candidate must: Hold a B.Sc of or science. Male or female medical rep, experience or without, Age not exceed 28yrs Ambitious, Dynamic and self motivated Please send your C.V. within one week to the following e mail
Continue reading …APEX Pharma; We are seeking to hire highly qualified candidates males or females as a Medical rep for DOWNTOWN area. The selected candidates will be responsible for maximizing sales for a given portfolio of products. Qualifications required; 1.medicine, pharmacy, vet. 2.excellent selling and presentation skills. 3.experinced or fresh graduate. 4.very good spoken and written English. please send your CV with a recent photo to:
Continue reading …The candidate should be 1- pharmacy , vet. 2- Have valid driving licence 3- Military service are completed or exmpted 4 -Resident at Sharkia please send your updated CV with reccent photo to: E-mail:
Continue reading …Due to Our Further Expansion we are looking for joining highly ambitious motivated candidates for the following vacancies: 1. Full time Medical Representatives for all governorates (REF: FTMR) 2. Part time Medical Representatives for all governorates (REF: PTMR) 3. Supervisors for all governorates (REF: SV) General Conditions & Qualifications: • Medical Background (Pharmacy, Vet , Medicine, Science (Biology Sections)) • Excellent Communications and time management skills • High profiles Person to join a growing team & ability to learn • Excellent English Written & Reading. Please send your updated CV with recent photo to Please write the REF
Continue reading …Egypt to Egypt + Add a vacancy Full & part timer med reps Fast growing pharmaceutical company required 1.Full time Medical Rep 2.Part time Medical Rep For Cairo & Giza Pharmacy, vet and Science Fresh graduated are welcomed Please send your updated CV with recent photo to: E-mail: hr.pharma2010@ For more info: 0107131314 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Medical reps in Sharkia for Multipharma company (Mansoura office ) The right candidate should be 1-Male or female 2- graduate of medical faculties ( pharmacy , vet., or medicine ) 3- Have valid driving licence 4- Military service are completed or exmpted 5- Active, presentable , hard worker , good communicator & willing to succeed If you meet the above criteria, send your c.v. to: ashraf.elgammal@ Or by fax to 050 2238485 Attention Dr.Ashraf ELgammal Mansoura scientific office manager Pharmacists_coffee magazine Pharco pharmaceutical company Need medical rep. in Cairo , Giza and mania Science, vet or pharmacist Send c v with in to medicalrepresntative@ or call Dr.Ahmed 0103351230 Pharmacists_coffee magazine Female Med Rep. for International Medical Co. International Medical Company Is looking for Female Medical rep., resident in Cairo only, good communication skills, age less than 28…
Continue reading …We are seeking to recruit the following positions: 1- Line sales manager (3 years experience) 2- Product managers (3 years experience) 3- Supervisors (3 years experience, all governorates) 4- Medical representatives (1 year experience, all governorates) · For all positions the experience should be in a reputable pharmaceutical company Interested candidates, who only meet the above criteria are invited to apply on line within one week through our website
Continue reading …Fast growing pharmaceutical company required 1.Full time Medical Rep 2.Part time Medical Rep For Cairo & Giza pharmacy-vet and Science Fresh graduated are welcomed please send your updated CV with reccent photo to: E-mail: for more info : 0107131314
Continue reading …the right candidate should be 1-Male or female 2- graduate of medical faculties ( pharmacy , vet., or medicine ) 3- Have valid driving licence 4- Military service are completed or exmpted 5- Active , presentable , hard worker , good communicator & willing to succeed If you meet the above criteria , send your c.v. to : or by fax to 050 2238485 Attention Dr.Ashraf ELgammal Mansoura scientific office manager
Continue reading …Pharco pharmaceutical company need medical rep. in Cairo , Giza and mania since ,vet or pharmacist send c v with in to or call d\ Ahmed 0103351230
Continue reading …International Medical Company Is looking for Female Medical rep., resident in Cairo only, good communication skills , age less than 28 years. Please forward your resume with a recent photo to : Please mention Female medical rep. in the subject line.
Continue reading …International Medical Company is looking for a distributor for its operation in Egypt . The right candidate MUST have a good experience in Rehabilitation Please forward your company details to : Please mention Egypt Distributor in the subject line.
Continue reading …Requires for its operation in Egypt strong highly reputable agents &distributors to cover all the governorates. agents who match the required conditions are invited to contact via the following e-mail. or call in person 0121117867
Continue reading …مطلوب بجميع المحافظات مندوبين وسنيورز ومشرفين دعاية وبيع لشركة ادوية محترمة A reputable pharmaceutical company seeks for the following titles 1-supervisors 2-seniors 3-medical rep full or part time 4- sales supervisors, seniors, rep (all govern orate)s please send your c.v. by e-mail within 7 days at or by fax at:-w (202): 24054581
Continue reading …One of the fastest growing pharmaceutical companies is seeking high caliber candidates for PROFESSIONAL SALES REPRESENTATIVES to work in Cairo and Giza. The selected candidates will be responsible for the detailing of our ethical pharmaceutical products to physicians and other health care providers. The incumbents should be pharmacist, Veterinary or chemist They should be ambitious, dynamic, career-oriented, have excellent communication skills in English, Arabic and have a driving license . For the selected candidates, we offer a superb working environment and a challenging atmosphere. Kindly send your updated CV to email:
Continue reading …One of the fastest growing pharmaceutical companies is seeking high caliber candidates Supervisor and Product manager to work in Cairo and Dakahlia. The incumbents should be pharmacist, They should be ambitious, dynamic, career-oriented, have excellent communication , Analytical and leadership skills , For the selected candidates, we offer a superb working environment and a challenging atmosphere. Kindly send your updated CV to email:
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