This is a new point of view to discuss styles of management, I think you’ll like it! 1. The Explosive 2. The Implosive 3. The Abrasive 4. The Narcissist 5. The Apprehensive 6. The Compulsive 7. The Impulsive ====================== 7 Neurotic Styles of Management ====================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Explosive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ – Management Style: Moody, destabilizing – Orientation Toward Others: Don’t get in my way. – Expect Work Done: The manager’s way Managers with explosive styles are easily dominated by their immediate feelings of frustration. They may appear mild mannered, but they lapse into explosive seizures when they feel blocked. Co-workers tend to describe such managers as moody and emotional. Such leaders’ judgment is influenced by exaggerated perceptions and the loss of control of situations. They become unable to problem solve effectively and instead personalize problems and become aggressive in pushing others for solutions. Explosives are neither effective problem solvers nor strategists. They tend to personalize problems. In a rush to deal with their boiled up frustrations, they lose their sensibility and act out without clear, strategic thinking. When confronting a difficult situation, the explosive may burst into a tirade and suspend strategic assessment of the situation. It takes time to…
لماذا يفشل التسويق ؟ يحدد عميد علم التسويق فيليب كوتلر عشرة أسباب رئيسية يعتبرها أوجه قصور في ممارسات التسويق المعاصر، منبها إلى أن الأزمة أزمة ممارسة تسويق وليس نظريات تسويق: عدم تركيز وتوجه الشركات نحو التسويق واستهداف العملاء بشكل كاف عدم فهم واستيعاب المؤسسة لعملائها المستهدفين، من حيث الاحتياجات والتغيرات التي تنتابهم. عدم قيام الشركة بمتابعة ورصد أحوال منافسيها، وبذلك تتأخر عنهم، ولا تواكب أي تطورات تطرأ عليهم. سوء إدارة المؤسسة لعلاقاتها مع حملة أسهمها، إما بتجاهلهم تماما أو بالتركيز على متطلباتهم دون غيرهم. عدم تمكن الشركة من العثور على فرص جديدة ، أو التعرف عليها واقتناصها، كأي تطور تكنولوجي جديد، أو أية أسواق جديدة، أو حتى أي ثغرات أو فراغ تتركه شركة تركت السوق. قصور وأخطاء في إجراءات التخطيط التسويقي، كالفهم الخطأ للسوق أو آلياته. قصور في مجال سياسات الإنتاج أو خدمة العملاء، مما يهدر أية مجهودات تسويقية تقوم بها المؤسسة. ضعف محاولات ومجهودات الشركة لتكوين الماركة وتوصيلها للعملاء. عدم تنظيم المؤسسة جيدا، بحيث ينعكس ذلك على مجهودات التسويق. عدم استغلال التطور التكنولوجي بشكل كاف، مما يساعد على تدهور ترتيب الشركة في قائمة الشركات الناجحة المواكبة للتطور والتي تحسن استغلاله لصالحها. ويختتم كوتلر كتابه بعشر وصايا للتسويق الناجح الفعال، هي: تقسيم السوق إلى قطاعات واختيار أفضلها وتكوين مركز ووضع…
Continue reading …بالطبع سؤال يتبادر الى اذهانا و هو ما هى شخصيه مديرى فى العمل و كيف اتعامل معه و اعرف ما يحبه و ما يكرهه فى هذه المدونه سنتعرف على انواع المديرين عن طريق جون ماير الذى قام بتقسيم المديرين الى اربعه انماط كشخصيات النمط الأول: الشخصية العصامية ومن صفات هذه الشخصيه ١) الانغماس في العمل: العصاميون يعشقون العمل، ولا يطيقون صبر ا إذا ظلوا دون عمل ينجزونه. يحسدهم الزملاء على طاقتهم التي ينفقونها في أعمالهم دون كلل أو ملل. يعيبهم شيء واحد وهو أنهم لا يطيقون الكسالى، ويدخلون في صراعات كثيرة مع كل من لا يعمل بنفس كفاءتهم وإصرارهم. هذه النوعية من المديرين، يكرسون وقتا لعملهم أطول بكثير مما يكرسونه لأسرهم. فهم ينسون أنفسهم في العمل. كثير من العصاميين يخفقون في حياتهم الأسرية وينجحون في حياتهم العملية، إلا إذا كانت زوجاتهم تشاركهم العمل. ٢) حب التخطيط: لدى العصامي قدرة عجيبة على تقسيم المهام إلى مراحل يتابع كل منها بحماس، وهو ينجز المهام الكبيرة طويلة الآجل أفضل مما ينجز المهام قصيرة الآجل. فهو يجيد التخطيط وتحديد الأهداف المرحلية. وتلك هي نقطة القوة التي ينطلق منها العصامي ويتفوق بها على جميع أقرانه في المنظمة. ٣) قوة الشخصية: يتصرف العصامي باستقلالية، وهو لا يبحث عن دعم الآخرين له. فهو واثق من أنه يفعل…
Continue reading …Source: Cox, Kathryn J. (editor) 1979, revised 2005. “20 Questions” Get Acquainted Team Building Activity. Columbus, OH: OSU Extension. The original source of this activity is unknown. Variations have been published in several compilations of team building and group training exercises. However, versions were used as early as the 1960’s in Ohio 4-H camp programs and conference sessions. This activity has been used successfully in Ohio’s State 4-H Leadership Camp Staff Orientation, and by the counselors with their camper groups, each year since 1979. Objective: As a result of participating in this activity, group participants learn each other’s names and get to know each other at a deeper level in a shorter period of time than is often possible with other types of group introductory activities. Time Required: At least 15-20 minutes for the question & answer portion, plus 5 minutes for processing/ reflection at the end. If time is limited or groups are very large, divide participants into sub-groups of 10 to 25 people per group. It also works well to divide this activity into shorter rounds of questions & answers between other activities. Directions: • Have participants seated or standing in a circle, so that everyone is…
Continue reading …1. Leaders do the right things; Managers do things right. 2. Leaders focus on people; Managers focus on systems. 3. Leaders ask what and why; Managers ask how and when. 4. Leaders innovate; Managers administer. 5. Leaders develop; Managers maintain. 6. Leaders inspire trust; Managers rely on control. 7. Leaders have a longer-term perspective; Managers have a short-term perspective. 8. Leaders originate; Managers imitate. 9. Leaders have an eye on the horizon; Managers have an eye on the bottom-line. 10. Leaders are their own person; Managers emulate the classic good soldier. 11. Leaders challenge the status-quo; Managers accept the status-quo.
Continue reading …After almost 30 years of research I have determined that there are five essential skills that leaders must have if they are going to succeed in increasing employee engagement. They are: 1. Building Trust. Trust is an essential ingredient in increasing engagement. The first thing leaders need to know about building trust is that it does not happen just because you are trustworthy. People do not know how trustworthy you are until you demonstrate it by using trust building behaviors, and the most important of these behaviors is to trust others. We build trust by trusting others. This requires a basic belief in people… a belief that people are essentially trustworthy. After all, if you have untrustworthy employees, why did you hire them and why are they still there? 2. Mentoring. The relationship between the employee and his or her immediate manager is a critical factor in how engaged the employee will be. We have to get away from the idea that Managers cannot mentor the people who report to them. The Gallup research is very clear on this point. Employees need feedback… they need to know how they are performing, not just once a year at review time, and be…
Continue reading …You can bet that you find hundreds of leaders everyday, But we agree with you that successful ones are little!. Set aside one hour each day to absorb new information. Don’t let yourself be the person who is unaware of a major development or situation that needs attention. Recognize the power of questions. Stop thinking in terms of what you have to say and start thinking in terms of what you have to ask. Managers and employees will respect you for asking their viewpoints and you are likely to learn more in the process. Send powerful nonverbal messages. Consider how you can make better use of body language and how to modulate your voice for greater impact. Learn to laugh at yourself. Stop taking yourself so seriously. Whenever you say or do something foolish (and we all do), be the first to see the humour in it. Laugh at yourself in front of your direct reports, and they won’t laugh at you behind your back. Learn to speak with conviction. If you don’t sound as if you believe in what you’re saying, don’t expect anyone else to believe you. An executive once said, “Your managers and employees will never get…
Continue reading …Organisational Character Index (OCI) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ The Organisational Character Index is an instrument that is used to measure the preferences, values and decision making style of a team, department or organisation. Based on the ideas of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, it applies the theory of “Type” to the organisation. Developed by American author and consultant William Bridges to show how the organisation can have specific preferences in four areas of opposing tendencies: *Extraversion* (E) or *Introversion *(I) The organisations focus, reality and how it gains its energy. is the organisation focused principally outwards towards markets, clients, competitors and regulators (E) or does it prefer to look inwards and focus on developing its own ideas, technology, products, it’s leader’s vision or even it’s own culture (I)? *Sensing* (S) or *Intuition *(N) How it gathers information, what is pays attention to and how it perceives things in and around it. Is the organisation focused on the here and now, understanding the details of the current situation (S) or does it look at the big “global” picture and the possibilities of any given idea or situation (N)? *Thinking* (T) or *Feeling* (F) How the organisation processes information and makes its decisions. Is the…
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