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By Mostafa Shaban

1)      The first paper needed is the college certificate in English language (it is the one you get when you graduate containing your grade), most colleges are able to supply one with no problems.


2)   The second paper is the transcript of grades and this is a paper containing the detailed grades for every subject of every year in college, also easily supplied by most colleges.


NOTE: if you had attended a one year pre-pharmacy year in the college of sciences, you need to get an English certificate and a transcript of grades similar to the ones obtained from your college of pharmacy.


3)       Thirdly, you will need to input your name and address at www.nabp.net (the site for the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, which does the exam) and the NABP will send you the Application for the exam, free of charge in about 2 weeks time .The application will need to be filled appropriately and the fees for the exam (700$) payable as a cheque ,will need to be put in an envelope and sent with the application.


4)      Fourthly, you will need to get a License and Registration letters from your syndicate of pharmacists, in English of course , the Registration letter is a letter containing your record in the syndicate and that you have no offences against you throughout your career. This paper will need to be signed by the head of the syndicate. 


5)      Now take the Certificates and Transcripts  (pharmacy and pre-pharmacy) and get them authorized by the University ( for example if you are an Alexandria faculty of pharmacy graduate ,go to the Alexandria University building and get your papers authorized from there)


6)      Take the Signed certificates and transcripts, along with the License and Registration obtained from the syndicate, and the Application sent to you by the NABP and go to a Notary public which is basically an authorized translator (motargem mo3tamad in Arabic) and he/she will translate the stamps since the papers are already in English ,so no need to translate these J . He/she will also approve of your signing on the Application ,since he has the authority to do it. Just remember to choose a good translator and make sure he is registered and authorized to translate these papers.




7)      Now take the notarized Certificates and Transcripts and put them in an envelope which again needs to be stamped by the college. And the License and Registration from the syndicate also needs to be put in an envelope which will be stamped by the syndicate.


8)      Now take the two stamped envelopes and go once again to the Notary Public (translator) to get the stamps on the envelopes translated.


9)      Finally, you need to send these papers to 2 separate places:


a)      the Syndicate envelope + the NABP exam application + the fees (700$) + two recent Photographs .


 need to be sent in a big envelope to the NABP (you will find the address at www.nabp.net)


b)     the College envelope + the evaluation fees (85$) +ECE application form*


need to be sent in a big envelope to the Educational Credential Evaluators inc. (ECE) .you will find their address at www.ece.org/nabp


*Note: you will also need to fill out an application form for the ECE at their site www.ece.org/nabp and print it out to sign it and send it along with the papers to the ECE


       10)   Now all you have to do is wait for the feedback from the ECE which takes from 4 to 6       weeks, and if your approved by the ECE ,the NABP will process your papers and if they also approve ,you will be sent an examination no. called the ATT no. and a choice of 3 examination sites (New york, Chicago,Los Angeles ,depending on the availability of places)



Now, these are the papers and processes needed as I recall them, I know they seem much, and the process of getting out the papers isn’t an easy one, but it’s much better when you know what needs to be done exactly so that you can save as much time and effort as possible…


And I wish all of you good luck preparing for your exam, it is not a difficult process and it is well worth it…


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