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Vamer Pharmaceutical

13 years
Direction :

Submitted In:

Vacancy   :

Vamer Pharmaceutical is looking for qualified candidates to join our expanding team in the following position: “Medical Representatives”;

Located in the following regions:

1-Cairo, Giza, Mohandeseen, Maady and Helioplolis.

2-Delta (Resident in Mansoura or Tanta).

3- Alex.

The applicant should fulfill the following criteria:

1. Experience in Dermatology field is a plus.

2. Pharmacist, Vet. or Science.

3. Excellent problem solving, communication skills and presentation skills.

4. Demonstrated ability to build and maintain client relationships.

5. Hard worker, Enthusiastic, highly self-motivated, result oriented, and a well developed sense of drive.

6-Having a valid driving license.

So, if you fulfill the previous requirements, kindly send your CV to:


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