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The questionnaire is a structured technique for collecting primary data in a marketing survey. It is a series of written or verbal questions for which the respondent provides answers. A well-designed questionnaire motivates the respondent to provide complete and accurate information.
The survey questionnaire should not be viewed as a stand-alone tool. Along with the questionnaire there is field work, rewards for the respondents, and communication aids, all of which are important components of the questionnaire process.
Steps to Developing a Questionnaire
The following are steps to developing a questionnaire – the exact order may vary somewhat.
The questionnaire is a structured technique for collecting primary data in a marketing survey. It is a series of written or verbal questions for which the respondent provides answers. A well-designed questionnaire motivates the respondent to provide complete and accurate information.
The survey questionnaire should not be viewed as a stand-alone tool. Along with the questionnaire there is field work, rewards for the respondents, and communication aids, all of which are important components of the questionnaire process.
Steps to Developing a Questionnaire
The following are steps to developing a questionnaire – the exact order may vary somewhat.
Required Information
To determine exactly which information is needed, it is useful to construct tables into which the data will be placed once it is collected.
The tables will help to define what data is needed and what is not needed.
Question Type and Administration Method
Some question types include fixed alternative, open ended, and projective:
There are three commonly used rating scales: graphic, itemized, and comparative.
Questionnaires typically are administered via a personal or telephone interview or via a mail questionnaire.
Newer methods include e-mail and the Web.
Question Content
Each question should have a specific purpose or should not be included in the questionnaire.
The goal of the questions is to obtain the required information.
This is not to say that all questions directly must ask for the desired data.
In some cases questions can be used to establish rapport with the respondent, especially when sensitive information is being sought.
Sensitive questions can be posed in ways to increase response likelihood and to facilitate more honest responses.
Some techniques are:
Form of Question Response
Questions can be designed for open-ended, dichotomous, or multichotomous responses.
The questionnaire designer should consider that respondents may not be able to answer some questions accurately.
Two types of error are telescoping error and recall loss.
is an error resulting from the tendency of people to remember events as occurring more recently than they actually did.
occurs when people forget that an event even occurred.
For recent events, telescoping error dominates; for events that happened in the distant past, recall loss dominates.
Question Wording
The questions should be worded so that they are unambiguous and easily understood.
The wording should consider the full context of the respondent’s situation.
In particular, consider the who, what, when, where, why, and how dimensions of the question.
For example, the question,
“Which brand of toothpaste do you use?”
might seem clear at first.
However, the respondent may consider “you” to be the family as a whole rather than he or she personally.
If the respondent recently changed brands, the “when” dimension of the question may be relevant.
If the respondent uses a different, more compact tube of toothpaste when traveling, the “where” aspect of the question will matter.
A better wording of the question might be,
“Which brand of toothpaste have you used personally at home during the past 6 months?
If you have used more than one brand, please list each of them.”
When asking about the frequency of use, the questions should avoid ambiguous words such as “sometimes”, “occasionally”, or “regularly”.
Rather, more specific terms such as “once per day” and “2-3 times per week” should be used.
Sequence the Questions
Some neutral questions should be placed at the beginning of the questionnaire in order to establish rapport and put the respondent at ease.
Effective opening questions are simple and non-threatening.
When sequencing the questions, keep in mind that their order can affect the response.
One way to correct for this effect is to distribute half of the questionnaires with one order, and the other half with another order.
Physical Characteristics of the Questionnaire
Physical aspects such as the page layout, font type and size, question spacing, and type of paper should be considered.
In order to eliminate the need to flip back and forth between pages,
the layout should be designed so that a question at the bottom of the page does not need to be continued onto the next page.
The font should be readable by respondents who have less-than-perfect visual acuity.
The paper stock should be good quality to project the image that the questionnaire is important enough to warrant the respondents’ time.
Each questionnaire should have a unique number in order to better account for it and to know if any have been lost.
Test and Revise the Questionnaire
The questionnaire should be pre-tested in two stages before distributing.
In the first stage, it should be administered using personal interviews in order to get better feedback on problems such as ambiguous questions.
Then, it should be tested in the same way it will be administered.
The data from the test should be analyzed the same way the administered data is to be analyzed in order to uncover any unanticipated shortcomings.
Different respondents will answer the same questionnaire differently.
One hopes that the differences are due to real differences in the measured characteristics, but that often is not the case.
Some sources of the differences between scores of different respondents are: