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(promethazine HCI)Tablets and Suppositories DRUG DESCRIPTION What are the possible side effects of oral promethazine (Pentazine, Phenergan)? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Stop using promethazine and call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects: twitching, or uncontrollable movements of your eyes, lips, tongue, face, arms, or legs; tremor (uncontrolled shaking), drooling, trouble swallowing, problems with balance or walking; feeling… Read All Potential Side Effects and See Pictures of Phenergan » Each tablet of Phenergan contains 12.5 mg, 25 mg, or 50 mg promethazine HCl. The inactive ingredients present are lactose, magnesium stearate, and methylcellulose. Each dosage strength also contains the following: 12.5 mg-FD&C Yellow 6 and saccharin sodium; 25 mg-saccharin sodium; 50 mg-FD&C Red 40. Each rectal suppository of Phenergan contains 12.5 mg, 25 mg, or 50 mg promethazine HCl with ascorbyl palmitate, silicon dioxide, white wax, and cocoa butter. Phenergan Suppositories are for rectal administration only. Promethazine HCl is a racemic compound; the empirical formula is C17H20N2S•HCl and its molecular weight is 320.88. Promethazine HCl, a phenothiazine derivative, is designated chemically as…

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(oxycodone and acetaminophen) Tablets, USP DRUG DESCRIPTION What are the possible side effects of acetaminophen and oxycodone? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects: shallow breathing, slow heartbeat; feeling light-headed, fainting; confusion, unusual thoughts or behavior; seizure (convulsions); or nausea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, itching, dark urine, clay-colored… Read All Potential Side Effects and See Pictures of Percocet » Oxycodone, 14-hydroxydihydrocodeinone, is a semisynthetic opioid analgesic which occurs as a white, odorless, crystalline powder having a saline, bitter taste. The molecular formula for oxycodone hydrochloride is C18H21NO4•HCl and the molecular weight 351.83. It is derived from the opium alkaloid thebaine, and may be represented by the following structural formula: Acetaminophen, 4′-hydroxyacetanilide, is a non-opiate, non-salicylate analgesic and antipyretic which occurs as a white, odorless, crystalline powder, possessing a slightly bitter taste. The molecular formula for acetaminophen is C8H9NO2 and the molecular weight is 151.17. It may be represented by the following structural formula: Each tablet, for oral administration, contains oxycodone hydrochloride and acetaminophen in the following…

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PENICILLIN V POTASSIUM (penicillin v potassium) Tablet  (penicillin v potassium) Powder for Solution  the development of drug-resistant bacteria and maintain the effectiveness of penicillin V potassium tablets, penicillin V potassium for oral solution, and other antibacterial drugs, penicillin V potassium tablets and penicillin V potassium for oral solution should be used only to treat or prevent infections that are proven or strongly suspected to be caused by bacteria. DRUG DESCRIPTION What are the possible side effects of penicillin V (PC Pen VK, Pen-V)? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects: diarrhea that is watery or bloody; fever, chills, body aches, flu symptoms; easy bruising or bleeding, unusual weakness; urinating less than usual or not at all; severe skin rash, itching, or peeling; … Read All Potential Side Effects and See Pictures of Penicillin VK » Penicillin V is the phenoxymethyl analog of penicillin G. Penicillin V potassium is the potassium salt of penicillin V. Each penicillin V potassium tablet, USP contains penicillin V potassium equivalent to 250…

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طريقة استخلاص الشطة (الكابسيكوم ) و عمل  CAPSICUM EXTRACT  حسب الدستور الأمريكي   100 غ من البودرة الجافة للكابسيكوم لصنع 1000 مل من الخلاصة. المادة المستخلصة : ETHANOL 95% الطريقة : التزحيل (PERCOLATION) المراجع : http://www.henriettesherbal.com/ecle…tincturae.html http://www.henriettesherbal.com/ecle…icum_tinc.html العمل: رطب البودرة الجافة للعشبة المراد استخلاصها بكمية مناسبة من المادة المستخلصة لجعل العقار رطب بشكل متساوي و واضح . انقل العقار الرطب الى المرشح بدون رص أو كبس ، اسمح للعقار بالبقاء مغطى لمدة ست ساعات ، و بعدها رص و احشر العقار بإحكام ( مالم تذكر طريقة أخرى خلاف ذلك) ، و اسكب كمية كافية من المستخلص لإشباع البودرة و اترك فوقها طبقة من الهواء . و عندما يبدأ السائل بالتنقيط من المرشح ، سد الفوهة السفلية ، و اجعل المرشح مغطى بشكل فريب . انقع المزيج لمدة 24 ساعة .. و بعدها اسمح للرشاحة بالعبور تدريجياً. اضف كمية كافية من المستخلص بانتظام لصنع 1000 مل من الخلاصة.

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Pharmaceutical compounding calculations ان تحضير معظم وصفات التركيبات يحتاج الى إلمام بالحسابات الصيدلانية و حتى في اكثر العمليات الحسابية بساطة فإن اهمال الارقام العشرية بعد الفاصلة او وضع قيم تقريبية .. ممكن ان يكون لها آثار خطيرة و قد تكون قاتلة .   فعندما نريد تحويل وحدة قياس الى وحدة قياس اخرى يجب استخدام القيمة المطابقة و ليست التقريبية ..   Ex. The correct metric equivalent value for 1fl oz is 29.57 ml, not 30ml or even 29.6 ml.   Measurement systems: The metric system is the official system of measurement used in pharmacy and medicine.   Least measurable quantity of weight: A pharmacy’s tortion balance has a sensitivity reading of 5 mg. what is the smallest quantity that can be accurately weighed with a maximum error of 5%?.   a//// 100% X {maximum potential error (sensitivity reading) / permissible error (in percent)} =least measurable quantity.////a   a//// x= 100% X (5mg / 5%) = 100mg. ////a   Density factors in weighing /measuring: A pharmacist receives a prescription for 120 ml of a 3% (w/v) hydrochloric acid (Hcl) solution. The density of concentrated hydrochloric acid (37 % w/w) is 1.18 g/ml. how many milliliters of the concentrated acid would be…

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Antifungal preparation

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lamisil tab ,,,,,4 tab emulsifing oint,,,,,,15 gr glycerine………….3gr chb…………0.5 ml purfid water ,,,,,,m to….50 gr سبب عمل التركيبه هو الحصول على تركيز اكبر مما هو موجود بالاسواق للماده الفعاله والتي هي 1% بالكريم الجاهز والسبب التاني هو اعطاء المريض كميه اكبر من الكريم حيث اننا نعطيه هنا 50 غرام بدلا من 15 مما هو موجود بالكريم الجاهز والسبب الثالث السعر الارخص للمريض والتكلف الاقل على الصيدليه    

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داء رينو Raynaud disease أو ما يسمى بداء تثليج الأصابع أو برودة الأطراف .. يكون مصطحباً بألم ووخز في الأطراف سواء اليدين أو الرجلين .. و يكون السبب الرئيس في ذلك هو نقص التروية المحيطية أثناء الطقس البارد و تضيق في الأوعية الدموية المحيطية .. و عند البحث عن الأدوية المستخدمة لهذا الداء وجدت معلومة تفيد في استخدام  glyceryl trinitrate كمستحضر موضعي للسيطرة على أعراض ذلك الداء.. قمت بتجربته على مرضى رينو : المريض الأول : كان يعاني من برودة الأصابع في اليدين و الرجلين .. قمت بعمل  ISDN oint و الحاوي على  Isosorbid dinitrate  بتركيز 1% بسواغ مرهمي (لصعوبة الحصول على تركيز ملائم من  glyceryl trinitrate) و كانت النتائج ممتازة و ذهب الألم و عاد الاحساس بالأطراف المريض الثاني : كان يعاني من حالة نادرة استعصت على الأطباء و هي برودة و ألم مستمر في الساقين يمنعه حتى من النوم .. و خاصة في الجو البارد .. كانت الحالة بتقديري هي أيضاً داء رينو ( طبعاً ليس تعدياً على تشخيص الأطباء – لأن هذا الانسان تردد على أطباء كثر و عجزوا حتى عن التشخيص و لم يلق المريض فائدة تذكر من علاجاتهم ) قمت بعمل محلول  ISDN sol  باستخلاص مسحوق الحب بواسطة الأسيتون و تحضير محلول مكون من البروبلين…

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ورد ذكر تركيبه السيتريميد في دستور الادويه البريطاني BP2007 white soft parafin………500g cetostearyl alcohol………270g liquid parafin……..200g cetrimide……..30g وحيث ان اemysifing oint المحتوي على  sls غير متوافق اداخاله مع مع بعض المواد ذاتيه الطبيعه الكاتونيه ولهدا السبب فكرت انو يكون هناك مرهم استحلابي اخر يتوافق معهم

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كانت تواجهني أكثر مـن مشكلة كصيدلي تركيبات في الصيدلية و هي كما يلي .. 1- صعوبة التحضير السريع للتركيبة التي تطلب مـنـي .. (عامل الوقت) أي أن التركيبة كانت تتطلب وقتاً كبيراً لأنها بحاجة إلى خلاط كهربائي و انتظار و دوشة . 2- عدم امكانية تحضير كميات صغيرة مـن التركيبة (كمية تكفي لعبوة واحدة فقط مثلاً) لأن التركيبة بحاجة لخلاط كهربائي و بالتالي لا يمكن عمل كمية صغيرة به على الإطلاق.. مـن هنا جاءت فكرة التحضير المسبق للسواغ الحامل  (VEHICLE) للمادة الدوائية ..بكميات كبيرة و حفظها على الرف حتى يحين وقت الحاجة لعمل تركيبة .. و بدأت بالجل  GEL : VISCOUS GEL BASE   WATER ………………………………………. 63 g CARBOMER 940 …………………………0.5 g CHB ………………………………………….. …1 g TROLAMIN …………………………………0.5 g WATER ………………………………………..6 g EDTA ………………………………………….0 .1 g مجموع المواد هنا حيطلع 71 غ و ليس 100 غ لأننا تركنا حيزاً قدره 29 غ لإضافة مواد فعالة و  SOLVENTS .. الناتج اللي حيطلع معانا هو جل بقوام عالي اللزوجة .. و في حال الرغبة بعمل جل معين يكفي وضع 71 غ مـن  VISCOUS GEL BASE مع 29 غ مـن المواد الفعالة و المواد الأخرى. مثال : CHLORAMPHENICOL 1% GEL :   VISCOUS GEL BASE ……………..71 g CHLORAMPHENICOL ……………1 g ETHANOL 95 ………………………20…

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mosegor 10 tab triactin 5 tab tres orix 60 ml vitaphos 60ml digestin 60 ml glycerin 2 ml

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دى تركيبه للقشره لان انا عارف ان فى ناس كتير اليومين دول زهقانين من القشره وقرفها وكمان جربوا كريمات وشمبوهات ولا فى اى نتيجه خدوا منى التركيبه السهله دى وان شاء الله فى اقل من 4 ايام هتكون القشره فى الباى باى والتركيبه دى مجربها بنفسى وفعاله لدرجه خياليه لا والميزه الاكبر فيها انها سهله جدا جدا اليكم التركيبه المواد التى سيتم استخدامها 1 : بجنيه مصرى واحد فقط لاغير شمر (( ثمره ممكن نجيبها من عند العطار وهنلاقيه بسهوله جدا وهى شبيهه بالينسون جدا لدرجه ان بعض الناس مبتقدرشى تفرق بينها وبين اليانسون )) وبالمناسبه اسمها بالانجليزى Fennelوان شاء الله سوف تلاحظوا النتائج المذهله بانفسكم 2 : شويه كحول من الصيدليه (( يعنى تروح الصيدليه وتجيب ازازه كحول بحالها ب 2 جنيه مصرى )) 3 :: بس كده هو ده كل المطلوب اليكم طريقه التحضير 1 :: نقوم بغلى مقدار ثلاثه او اربع مجات من الماء عند العطار ونغطيه ونتركه لمده من 15 الى 20 دقيقه 2 :: بعد ان يغلى الماء نرفعه من على النار ثم نضع به الشمر الذى احضرناه من 3 :: نأخذ منه مقدار كوب من المزيخ الناتج (( ونترك الباقى للمرات الاخرى )) ونضع عليه مقدار 4 الى 5 مللى من الكحول بصوا املا…

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المواد الخام مطلوبة وهي كالتالي بالنسب.. .menthol(3%), camphor2%, methyl salicylate2%, capsicum1%…. .vaseline….to….100gm …..)وطريقة التحضير simple mixing

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بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم “S.A.F” بصفتك صيدلاني مهتم بتحضير التركيبات , هل ألحت علي نفسك أياً من الرغبات التالية : – أن تمنح تركيبتك مظهراً إحترافياً و كأنها منتجة بواسطة شركة عملاقة ؟ – أن تحمي بعض التركيبات المعرضة للتأكسد من تأثير الضوء و الهواء الجوي ؟ حسن جداً , دعني أنتقل لسؤال جديد , هل سألت نفسك يوماً كيف تختم الشركات العبوات المخصصة للكريم و غيرها برقائق الألمونيوم , تماماً كما في الصورة التالية ؟ إذا كانت إجاباتك عما سبق بنعم فنحن متفقان في التفكير , لذلك فسوف أقدم لك اليوم طريقة سهلة لختم العبوات برقائق الألمونيوم و بتكلفة زهيدة للغاية . أولاً سنحتاج إلي : 1- لفافة من ورق الألمونيوم 2- مقص 3- صمغ و النوع المطلوب هو المعروف في مصر باسم “أمير” أو ال super glue 4- العبوة المراد تغليفها 5- آخري ( قفازات , أسيتون ) ثانياً الخطوات : 1- قم بتقسيم و قص شريحة الألمونيوم إلي قطع صغير تتناسب مع فوهة العبوة المراد تغليفها 2- ضع شريحة الألمونيوم المقطوعة أعلي فوهة العبوة و قم بالضغط عليها لتتشكل علي هيئة الفوهة 3- عليك الآن أن تقوم بتغطية العبوة بالغطاء الخاص بها مع لفها في إتجاه الإغلاق لتأخذ الشريحة هيئة الممر الحلزوني الخاص بانسياب غطاء الغلق 4-…

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الفورمولا هي كالآتي : CHB 1 G P.GLYCOL 5 G GLYCERIN 5 G EMULGADE 9 G TWEEN 20 1 G CETOSTEARYL ALCOOL 5 G CETYL ALCOOL 2 G DIMETICON 2 G WATER 25 G المجموع 55 غ .. يمكن لكل 55 غ أن تتحمل طوراً سائلاُ محملا بالمواد الفعالة لحدود تتجاوز 32 غ مع القدرة على التحكم به على البارد على عكس باقي الbases كالemulsifying oint فهو لايحتاج للتسخين قبل استعماله على الصفيحة الزجاجية مباشرة للعلم .. المادة التي قد تكون غير معروفة عند الكثيرين هي مادة  Emulgade و اسمها الكامل  Emulgade se pf من شركة هنكل الألمانية و هي مادة استحلابية في حال الحصول عليها ستحصلون على كريمات أفضل و ذات قوام أحسن من أي وقت مضى ..  

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What are the possible side effects of fexofenadine (Allegra, Allegra ODT)? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Stop taking fexofenadine and call your doctor if you have fever, chills, body aches, cough, or other flu symptoms. Less serious side effects may include: nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach; menstrual cramps; drowsiness, tired feeling; headache; or muscle or back… Read All Potential Side Effects and See Pictures of Allegra » Fexofenadine hydrochloride, the active ingredient of ALLEGRA tablets, ALLEGRA ODT and ALLEGRA oral suspension, is a histamine H1-receptor antagonist with the chemical name (±)-4-[1 nylmethyl)-1-piperidinyl]-butyl]- α, α-dimethylhydroxy-4-benzeneacetic acid hydrochloride. It has the following chemical structure The molecular weight is 538.13 and the empirical formula is C32H39NO4•HCl. Fexofenadine hydrochloride is a white to off-white crystalline powder. It is freely soluble in methanol and ethanol, slightly soluble in chloroform and water, and insoluble in hexane. Fexofenadine hydrochloride is a racemate and exists as a zwitterion in aqueous media at physiological pH. ALLEGRA is formulated as a tablet for oral administration. Each tablet contains 30, 60, or 180 mg fexofenadine hydrochloride (depending on the dosage strength)…

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Prinzide Drug Description PRINZIDE® (lisinopril-hydrochlorothiazide) Tablets USE IN PREGNANCY When used in pregnancy during the second and third trimesters, ACE inhibitors can cause injury and even death to the developing fetus. When pregnancy is detected, PRINZIDE should be discontinued as soon as possible. See WARNINGS, Pregnancy, Lisinopril, Fetal/Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality. DRUG DESCRIPTION What are the possible side effects of hydrochlorothiazide and lisinopril (Prinzide, Zestoretic)? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; severe stomach pain; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects: high potassium (slow heart rate, weak pulse, muscle weakness, tingly feeling); low potassium (confusion, uneven heart rate, extreme thirst, increased urination, leg discomfort, muscle weakness or… Read All Potential Side Effects and See Pictures of Prinzide » PRINZIDE (Lisinopril-Hydrochlorothiazide) combines an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, lisinopril, and a diuretic, hydrochlorothiazide. Lisinopril, a synthetic peptide derivative, is an oral long-acting angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor. It is chemically described as (S)-1-[N2-(1-carboxy-3-phenylpropyl)-L-lysyl]-L-proline dihydrate. Its empirical formula is C21H31N3O5•2H2O and its structural formula is: Lisinopril is a white to off-white, crystalline powder, with a molecular weight…

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 7.5/325 & NORCO® 10/325 (hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen tablet) DRUG DESCRIPTION NORCO® (hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen) is supplied in tablet form for oral administration. Hydrocodone bitartrate is an opioid analgesic and antitussive and occurs as fine, white crystals or as a crystalline powder. It is affected by light. The chemical name is 4,5α-Epoxy-3-methoxy-17-methylmorphinan-6-one tartrate (1:1) hydrate (2:5). It has the following structural formula:   C18H21NO3•C4H6O6•2½H2O       M. W. = 494.49 Acetaminophen, 4´-Hydroxyacetanilide, a slightly bitter, white, odorless, crystalline powder, is a non-opiate, non-salicylate analgesic and antipyretic. It has the following structural formula:   C8H9NO2     M. W. = 151.16 NORCO®, for oral administration is available in the following strengths:   Hydrocodone Bitartrate Acetaminophen NORCO® 7.5/325 7.5 mg 325 mg NORCO® 10/325 10 mg 325 mg In addition, each tablet contains the following inactive ingredients: croscarmellose sodium, crospovidone, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, pregelatinized starch, and stearic acid; the 7.5 mg/325 mg tablets include FD&C Yellow #6 Aluminum Lake, the 10 mg/325 mg tablets include D&C Yellow #10 Aluminum Lake. Meets USP Dissolution Test 1. Last reviewed on RxList: 9/27/2010 Norco Indications & Dosage   INDICATIONS NORCO® is indicated for the relief of moderate to moderately severe pain. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION Dosage should…

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  (nitroglycerin) Tablets, USP DRUG DESCRIPTION What are the possible side effects of nitroglycerin (Nitrolingual, Nitrolingual Duo Pack, Nitroquick, Nitrostat)? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects: fast, slow, pounding, or uneven heart rate; blurred vision or dry mouth; nausea, vomiting, sweating, pale skin, feeling like you might pass out; or fever, sore throat, and… Read All Potential Side Effects and See Pictures of Nitrostat » Nitrostat is a stabilized sublingual compressed nitroglycerin tablet that contains 0.3 mg (1/200 grain), 0.4 mg (1/150 grain), or 0.6 mg (1/100 grain) nitroglycerin; as well as lactose monohydrate, NF; glyceryl monostearate, NF; pregelatinized starch, NF; calcium stearate, NF powder; and silicon dioxide, colloidal, NF. Nitroglycerin, an organic nitrate, is a vasodilating agent. The chemical name for nitroglycerin is 1, 2, 3 propanetriol trinitrate and the chemical structure is:   Molecular weight: 227.09 Last reviewed on RxList: 8/24/2009 Nitrostat Indications & Dosage   INDICATIONS Nitroglycerin is indicated for the acute relief of an attack or acute prophylaxis of angina pectoris due…

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Lyrica Drug Description (pregabalin) Capsules LYRICA (pregabalin) Oral Solution DRUG DESCRIPTION What are the possible side effects of pregabalin (Lyrica)? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Call your doctor at once if you have any new or worsening symptoms such as: mood or behavior changes, depression, anxiety, or if you feel agitated, hostile, restless, hyperactive (mentally or physically), or have thoughts about suicide or hurting yourself. Call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects: … Read All Potential Side Effects and See Pictures of Lyrica » Pregabalin is described chemically as (S)-3-(aminomethyl)-5-methylhexanoic acid. The molecular formula is C8H17NO2 and the molecular weight is 159.23. The chemical structure of pregabalin is:   Pregabalin is a white to off-white, crystalline solid with a pKa1 of 4.2 and a pKa2 of 10.6. It is freely soluble in water and both basic and acidic aqueous solutions. The log of the partition coefficient (n-octanol/0.05M phosphate buffer) at pH 7.4 is – 1.35. LYRICA (pregabalin) Capsules are administered orally and are supplied as imprinted hard-shell capsules containing 25, 50, 75,…

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NEXIUM (esomeprazole magnesium) Delayed-Release Capsules (esomeprazole magnesium) for Delayed-Release Oral Suspension DRUG DESCRIPTION What are the possible side effects of esomeprazole (Nexium)? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Less serious side effects may include: headache; diarrhea; nausea, stomach pain, gas, constipation; or dry mouth. This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at… Read All Potential Side Effects and See Pictures of Nexium » The active ingredient in NEXIUM® (esomeprazole magnesium) Delayed-Release Capsules and NEXIUM (esomeprazole magnesium) For Delayed-Release Oral Suspension is bis(5-methoxy-2- [(S)- [(4-methoxy-3,5-dimethyl-2-pyridinyl)methyl] sulfinyl] – lH-benzimidazole-1 -yl) magnesium trihydrate. Esomeprazole is the S-isomer of omeprazole, which is a mixture of the S- and R- isomers. (Initial U.S. approval of esomeprazole magnesium: 2001). Its molecular formula is (C17H18N3O3S)2Mg x 3 H2O with molecular weight of 767.2 as a trihydrate and 713.1 on an anhydrous basis. The structural formula is: Figure 1   The magnesium salt is a white to slightly colored crystalline powder. It contains 3 moles of…

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 (gabapentin) Tablets (gabapentin) Oral Solution DRUG DESCRIPTION What are the possible side effects of gabapentin (Gabarone, Neurontin)? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; fever; swollen glands; painful sores in or around your eyes or mouth; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Call your doctor at once if you have any new or worsening symptoms such as: mood or behavior changes, depression, anxiety, or if you feel agitated, hostile, restless, hyperactive (mentally or physically), or have thoughts about suicide or hurting yourself. Call… Read All Potential Side Effects and See Pictures of Neurontin » Neurontin® (gabapentin) Capsules, Neurontin (gabapentin) Tablets, and Neurontin (gabapentin) Oral Solution are supplied as imprinted hard shell capsules containing 100 mg, 300 mg, and 400 mg of gabapentin, elliptical film-coated tablets containing 600 mg and 800 mg of gabapentin or an oral solution containing 250 mg/5 mL of gabapentin. The inactive ingredients for the capsules are lactose, cornstarch, and talc. The 100 mg capsule shell contains gelatin and titanium dioxide. The 300 mg capsule shell contains gelatin, titanium dioxide, and yellow iron oxide. The 400 mg capsule shell contains gelatin, red iron oxide,…

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  (morphine sulfate) Controlled-Release Tablets 15 mg 30 mg 60 mg 100 mg* 200 mg* *100 mg and 200 mg are for use in opioid-tolerant patients only WARNING MS CONTIN contains morphine sulfate, an opioid agonist and a Schedule II controlled substance, with an abuse liability similar to other opioid analgesics. Morphine can be abused in a manner similar to other opioid agonists, legal or illicit. This should be considered when prescribing or dispensing MS CONTIN in situations where the physician or pharmacist is concerned about an increased risk of misuse, abuse, or diversion. MS CONTIN Tablets are a controlled-release oral formulation of morphine sulfate indicated for the management of moderate to severe pain when a continuous, around-theclock opioid analgesic is needed for an extended period of time. MS CONTIN Tablets are NOT intended for use as a prn analgesic. MS CONTIN 100 and 200 mg Tablets ARE FOR USE IN OPIOID-TOLERANT PATIENTS ONLY. These tablet strengths may cause fatal respiratory depression when administered to patients not previously exposed to opioids. MS CONTIN TABLETS ARE TO BE SWALLOWED WHOLE AND ARE NOT TO BE BROKEN, CHEWED, DISSOLVED, OR CRUSHED. TAKING BROKEN, CHEWED, DISSOLVED, OR CRUSHED MS CONTIN TABLETS LEADS TO…

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  Anemia (U.S. spelling) or anaemia means not having enough red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood. Contents 1 Types or causes of anemia 1.1 Microcytic anemia 1.2 Normocytic anemia 1.3 Macrocytic anemia 1.4 Dimorphic anemia  Types or causes of anemia  Microcytic anemia Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia overall Hemoglobinopathies — much rarer Sickle-cell disease (once called sickle-cell anemia) Thalassemia  Normocytic anemia Acute blood loss Anemia of chronic disease Aplastic anemia (bone marrow failure)  Macrocytic anemia Megaloblastic anemia due to not having enough of either vitamin B12 or folic acid (or both) Pernicious anemia is an autoimmune problem with the parietal cells of the stomach Alcoholism Methotrexate, zidovudine, and other drugs that stop DNA replication. This is the most common cause in nonalcoholic patients.  Dimorphic anemia Dimorphic anemia means two types of anemia at the same time. For example, macrocytic hypochromic, due to hookworm infestation leading to not enough of both iron and vitamin B12 or folic acid [1] or following a blood transfusion.

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Alzheimer’s Disease is a -disease that slowly destroys a person’s memory until the person dies -from forgetting how to perform basic functions like swallowing or breathing. -Alzheimer’s Disease is not a normal part of aging. -There is no known cause for Alzheimer’s disease – and even though we are not able to cure it there are medications that can be taken to relieve the patient of some of the symptoms. – It is named after Alois Alzheimer, who discovered the disease in 1906. There are, however, – certain lifestyle habits that can be adopted to delay the onset of the disease.

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  A man losing his hair; this is a normal process that happens to some men Mohamed ElBaradei has lost some of his hair Alopecia is a condition which is found in humans, as well as in some animals. When it occurs, it will mean that those affected will permanently lose some (or all) of their hair. Since some of the factors are linked to the genes on the chromosome, the condition can be seen more often with men, than with women. People who have the condition will become bald Alopecia areata is the name for a condition in which a person suddenly loses his or her hair. It mostly happens to men, who become bald.

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Albino African Penguin An albino baby girl in an orphanage in Malawi. Albinism is a condition some people and animals are born with. This condition is caused by a lack of pigment (color) in their hair, eyes, and skin. A person or animal with albinism is sometimes called an albino, but many people prefer to be called a “person with albinism”. People with albinism usually have white or light blonde hair and very fair skin. Their eyes are blue, or rarely pink-ish. People with albinism in reality do have some problems including bad vision and getting sunburn easily. All of these problems are because people with alibinism have little or no pigments in their eyes, skin and hair.[1] Vision problems in albinism include nystagmus (irregular fast movements of the eyes), strabismus (where the eyes fail to balance) and refractory errors (like being near-sighted or far-sighted). Albino animals are easily attacked by predators because they cannot hide themselves like the non-albino members of their species.[needs proof] Genetics of albinism  Albinism is a hereditary condition. It is usually inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern; it means, both parents should carry the albinism gene to have a child with albinism.[1]  Famous people with albinism …

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Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a syndrome caused by a virus called HIV. Acquired means that people get the disease from others who already have it. Immune or Immuno- talks about the immune system. The immune system is the part of the body that fights infectious disease. Deficiency means not enough. An immuno-deficiency is a problem where the immune system is damaged and cannot fight disease well. Syndrome is a disease that makes many different problems in the body. Contents 1 How many people have AIDS 2 Where HIV started 3 How HIV can harm the body 4 HIV and AIDS 4.1 AIDS defining illnesses 4.2 CD4 T-cell count 5 Treatment of HIV and AIDS 6 Poverty and HIV 7 Ways to stop AIDS 7.1 Education 7.2 Safe sex and needle exchange 7.3 HIV vaccine 8 Different ideas 9 Other websites 9.1 Different ideas 10 References How many people have AIDS Number of people in the world with HIV from 1979-1995 About 3,000,000 people died because of AIDS in 2004. About 500,000 of these people were children. About 40,000,000 people in the world had HIV in 2004. Most of the people who have HIV live…

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Emulsions are stabilized by adding an emulsifier or emulsifying agents. These agents have both a hydrophilic and a lipophilic part in their chemical structure. All emulsifying agents concentrate at and are adsorbed onto the oil:water interface to provide a protective barrier around the dispersed droplets. In addition to this protective barrier, emulsifiers stabilize the emulsion by reducing the interfacial tension of the system. Some agents enhance stability by imparting a charge on the droplet surface thus reducing the physical contact between the droplets and decreasing the potential for coalescence. Some commonly used emulsifying agents include tragacanth, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate, and polymers known as the Spans® and Tweens®. Emulsifying agents can be classified according to: 1) chemical structure; or 2) mechanism of action. Classes according to chemical structure are synthetic, natural, finely dispersed solids, and auxiliary agents. Classes according to mechanism of action are monomolecular, multimolecular, and solid particle films. Regardless of their classification, all emulsifying agents must be chemically stable in the system, inert and chemically non-reactive with other emulsion components, and nontoxic and nonirritant. They should also be reasonably odorless and not cost prohibitive. Synthetic Emulsifying Agents Cationic, e.g., benzalkonium chloride, benzethonium chloride Anionic, e.g., alkali…

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The stereochemistry of both the receptor site & the drug molecule helps determine the nature & efficiency of the drug-receptor interaction. Isomers are 2 or more compounds, with the same molecular formula, but have different configurations. They usually differ in chemical, physical or pharmacological properties. Stereoisomers can be divided into 3 main groups: Optical isomers, Geometric isomers, Conformational isomers. I. Optical Isomers: Contain at least 1 asymmetric, or chiral, carbon atom (a carbon atom which is covalently bonded to 4 different substituents). Each asymmetric carbon can exist in 1 of 2 non-superimposable isomeric forms. The 2 enantiomers of 2-hydroxybutane. The chiral carbon is bonded to 4 different groups. The structures shown are mirror images that cannot be superimposed. 1.     Enantiomers (Optical antipodes): Are optical isomers that are mirror images (have at least 1 asymmetric carbon), not superimposable. Enantiomers have identical physical & chemical properties except that one rotates the plane of polarized light in a clockwise direction (dextrorotatory, designated D or +) & the other in a counter-clockwise direction (levorotatory, designated L or -). An equal mixture of D and L enantiomers is called a racemic mixture & is optically inactive.  Enantiomers can have large differences in potency, receptor fit,…

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A. Medicinal Chemistry is rooted in organic chemistry – the study of organic (carbon-based) compounds. These compounds are classified by functional group – a group of atoms that occurs in many molecules & confers on them a characteristic chemical reactivity, regardless of the carbon skeleton. Functional groups are part of the overall structure of the drug & determine such characteristics as water or lipid solubility, reactivity, chemical stability, & in vivo stability, which in turn determine drug properties. 1.        Functional groups can impart hydrophilic or lipophilic characteristics to a compound & thus affect a drug’s tendency to cross cellular membranes through passive diffusion. 2.        Functional group reactivity is most important for reactions occurring under normal environmental conditions, primarily air oxidation & hydrolysis. E.g., benzene’s characteristic reactions occur only with special reagents & under special laboratory conditions. Thus, benzene’s shelf life is relatively long, & it requires no special storage conditions. 3.        Functional groups affect drug reactivity &, hence, drug shelf life & stability. 4.       Functional groups affect in vivo stability & duration of action – the susceptibility of the drug to biotransformation e.g. oxidation, reduction, & hydrolysis by metabolic enzymes. B. Alkanes: (paraffins or saturated hydrocarbons) Have a general formula…

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Vitamins are a group of organic substances essential in small quantities for normal metabolism. They are found in minute amounts in natural foodstuffs & are sometimes produced synthetically. Deficiencies of vitamins cause specific diseases & disorders. A. Characteristics: Two characteristics mark a compound to be assigned as a vitamin: It must be a vital organic dietary substance, which is neither a carbohydrate, fat, mineral nor protein, but is necessary in very small quantities to the performance of particular metabolic functions or to the prevention of an associated deficiency disease. It cannot be manufactured by the body & therefore must be supplied in food. B. Megavitamin Therapy: is the excessive intake of multivitamins to overcome a deficiency in daily requirements. Vitamins in excess of body needs will be excreted. C. Classification of Vitamins: Vitamins are usually grouped according to their solubility: The fat-soluble group includes vitamins A, D, E & K. The water-soluble group includes vitamin C & the B‑Complex vitamins. I. Fat Soluble Vitamins Absorption of fat soluble vitamins depends upon: Presence of fats in the GIT. Hepatic function. Bile contents. A. Vitamin A (Retinol): Vitamin A is an alcohol & because it has a specific function in the retina…

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  Chromatography is the separation of molecular mixtures depending on the differential affinity of the solute between 2 immiscible phases: one is a stationary phase & the other is a mobile phase. According to the nature of these 2 phases chromatography is classified as: d    Adsorption chromatography: If the stationary phase is solid. d    Partition chromatography: If the stationary phase is liquid. Theories of Chromatography:  d    Plate theory                                         d    Rate theory Techniques of chromatography:  d   Adsorption (non-ionic / non-polar)                  d   Partition (non-ionic / polar)  d   Ion Exchange (ionized)                                    d   Size Exclusion (# mol wt) The choice of a particular technique depends upon:  d    Complexity of Sample            d   Its physical & chemical properties                 d    The resolution required           d    The ease & speed of technique                 d   The availability & cost of equipment Accordingly: d    If the material is volatile &stable in the gas phase    à        Gas chromatography is used d    If the material is of # m wt (Protein, Triglyceride)   à        Liquid chromatography is used d    If the material is ionized in solution (amino acid)    à        Ion exchange liquid chromatography d  If it is # polar, hydrophilic of intermediate m wt (sugar) à Partition…

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  Biopharmaceutics is the study of the relation of physical & chemical properties of a drug to its bioavailability, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamic & toxicologic effects. Pharmacokinetics is the study of the time course of drug movement in the body during absorption, distribution, & elimination (excretion & biotransformation). Pharmacodynamics is the study of the relation of drug conc. or amount at site of action (receptor) & its pharmacologic response. Bioavailability: Bioavailability is a measure of the relative amount of drug that is biologically available (in the systemic circulation) compared to the amount of drug in the dosage form administered. The 1ry proof of a drug’s availability is the production of its pharmacologic (clinical) effect. In order to do so, the drug must achieve adequate conc. at the site of action, e.g. an antibiotic should reach a conc. > the MIC at the site of infection (rather than in the blood). Drug Absorption: Absorption requires the drug to be transported across various cell membranes. Drug molecules enter bloodstream & are transported to tissues & organs. They may cross additional membranes to enter cells, or even an intracellular membrane (nuclear membrane or endoplasmic reticulum) to reach site of action. Drugs given by IV route…

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Mean   = S   Observations Number of Observations   Median = the middle number in a series of numbers. Mode = the most frequently repeated number. Average median = Median – Mode Variance (S2)   = S   (X – X)2 n – 1 Binomial: when the mean is equal to the median & mode, this is called normal distribution.   Standard Deviation (SD)   = S   (X – X)2 n – 1 Standard Error of the Mean    (SEM) = (Standard Deviation of the Mean) SD n Coefficient of Variance   = (Relative SD or Precision) SD X X 100   The Error is smaller than the standard (average) deviation. When the standard deviation is 95% the error is + 2%. If a normal population is 99%, the average deviation is + 3% If a normal population is 95%, the average deviation is + 2% If a normal population is 68%, the average deviation is + 1% Type I error: is a false positive result. LD50 (Lethal dose 50) is the dose that kills 50% of experimental animals. Mean half-life = 3 + 9 + 5 + 6 + 4 / 5 = 27 / 5 = 5.4 hr.  Median is =  3  4  5 …

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1. Young’s Rule:                    Child dose = [Age X Adult dose] / (Age + 12) 2. Couling’s Rule:                  Infant dose = [Age (at next birthday) X Adult dose] / 24 3. Fried’s Rule:                      Infant dose = [Age (in months) X Adult dose] / 150 4. Clark’s Rule:                      Child dose = [Weight (in lbs) X Adult dose] / 150 D = M / V Sp. gr. = Wt / V Sp. vol = V / Wt         thus     sp. volume = 1 / sp. gr Wt. of the liquid = sp. gr. of liquid X volume of the liquid Volume of a liquid  =  Wt of liquid / sp. gr. Strength X Volume = Strength X Volume 9 X oC = 5 X oF -160 Proof Gallon = Wine gallon X Proof strength / 50% Sodium chloride        0.90% Dextrose                     5.00% Boric acid                   1.73% Fp depression of normal saline is 0.52 The equivalent weight = Molecular weight / valency m osmol = m moles X no of ions = (wt in mg / m wt) X no of ions HLB  = (Product 1 %  X  HLB1) + (Product 2 %  X  HLB2) + … Product 1 %  +  Product 2…

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Autacoids & Their Antagonists, Non-Narcotic Analgesic-Antipyretics & Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs I. INTRODUCTION Autacoids (auto-pharmacologic agents or local hormones) have widely differing structures & pharmacologic actions. An autacoid is a substance that is locally released & its action is limited to a specific site. The most extensively investigated autacoids are histamine & the prostaglandins. However, serotonin, bradykinin, & kallidin also function in a similar manner. Some autacoids (histamine & serotonin) function as neurotransmitters. II – Histamine: Histamine is a bio-amine derived from dietary histidine (decarboxylated by l-histidine decarboxylase). Histamine has powerful pharmacologic actions, mediated by 2 specific receptor types: H1-receptors mediate typical allergic & anaphylactic responses to histamine, (broncho-constriction, vasodilation, increased capillary permeability, & GIT spasms. H2-receptors mediate other responses e.g. increased secretion of gastric acid, pepsin, & Castle’s factor (intrinsic factor). Antihistaminics: Antihistaminics can be classified as H1-receptor antagonists or H2-receptor antagonists. A-   H1-receptor Antagonists: These are the classic antihistaminic agents. They competitively block H1-receptors, thus limiting the histamine’s effects on bronchial smooth muscle, capillaries, & GI smooth muscle. These antagonists also prevent histamine-induced pain & itching of the skin & mucous membranes. Classification:    H1-receptor antagonists have the general formula shown            X – CH2 – CH2 – N R2…

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EC-NAPROSYN® (naproxen) Delayed-Release Tablets (naproxen) Tablets ANAPROX®/ANAPROX® DS (naproxen sodium) Tablets NAPROSYN® (naproxen) Suspension Cardiovascular Risk NS AIDs may cause an increased risk of serious cardiovascular thrombotic events, myocardial infarction, and stroke, which can be fatal. This risk may increase with duration of use. Patients with cardiovascular disease or risk factors for cardiovascular disease may be at greater risk (see WARNINGS). Naproxen as NAPROSYN, EC-NAPROSYN, ANAPROX, ANAPROX DS or NAPROSYN Suspension is contraindicated for the treatment of peri-operative pain in the setting of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery (see WARNINGS). Gastrointestinal Risk NSAIDs cause an increased risk of serious gastrointestinal adverse events including bleeding, ulceration, and perforation of the stomach or intestines, which can be fatal. These events can occur at any time during use and without warning symptoms. Elderly patients are at greater risk for serious gastrointestinal events (see WARNINGS). DRUG DESCRIPTION What are the possible side effects of naproxen? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Stop taking naproxen and seek medical attention or call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects:…

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(eszopiclone) Tablets 1 mg, 2 mg, 3 mg DRUG DESCRIPTION What are the possible side effects of eszopiclone (Lunesta)? Eszopiclone may cause a severe allergic reaction. Stop taking eszopiclone and get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Stop using eszopiclone and call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects: aggression, agitation, changes in behavior; thoughts of hurting yourself; or hallucinations (hearing or seeing… Read All Potential Side Effects and See Pictures of Lunesta » LUNESTA (Eszopiclone) is a non benzodiazepine hypnotic agent that is a pyrrolopyrazine derivative of the cyclopyrrolone class. The chemical name of eszopiclone is (+)-(5S)-6-(5-chloropyridin-2-yl)-7-oxo-6,7-dihydro- 5H-pyrrolo[3,4-b] pyrazin-5-yl 4-methylpiperazine-1-carboxylate. Its molecular weight is 388.81, and its empirical formula is C17H17CIN6O3. Eszopiclone has a single chiral center with an (S)-configuration. It has the following chemical structure:   Eszopiclone is a white to light-yellow crystalline solid. Eszopiclone is very slightly soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethanol, and soluble in phosphate buffer (pH 3.2). Eszopiclone is formulated as film-coated tablets for oral administration. LUNESTA tablets contain 1 mg, 2 mg, or 3 mg eszopiclone and…

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